Elizabeth Swan (POTC 2)

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If you haven't seen "Pirates Of the Caribbean 2" then you probable shouldn't look at this thread. :D

(I think this is in the right section)
Who hates Elizabeth Swan for killing Jack Sparrow?
I DO!! ( :D )
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I've seen the movie and This is how I feel about her: @#$#%$#%$#%##$#% #$%$#%@$%$# #$%$#@#$@%$%#
narnia+north said:
She didn't kill him! she helped him. but i hate the way she helped him! She didn't have to kiss him!!!
How did she help him? She handcuffed the guy knowing that the sea monster was going to destroy the ship!!!

Ah but you have to give it to the great Captain!!!! He went in there with no fears whatsoever! He's probably having a party inside the creature's stomach :D
.:~NikkitaTheJust~:. said:
I dont think he died.. lol I mean come on...He's Captain Jack Sparrow
yeah. then what would be the point of potc3 if he's not there? i probably wouldnt go see it..

QueenAravis48 said:
How did she help him? She handcuffed the guy knowing that the sea monster was going to destroy the ship!!!

Ah but you have to give it to the great Captain!!!! He went in there with no fears whatsoever! He's probably having a party inside the creature's stomach :D

lol- yeah i think so too
theorangejello said:
and u have ur in ur siggy and u go she must die!!
Yes! For what she did. But I still would have loved to kiss JAck sparrow *continues to daydream* :rolleyes:
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