Eternity in Heaven


New member
I'm not sure if this goes here. I really don't know where else to put it. It's pretty off topic. Mods, please feel free to move this to the appropriate place if I am incorrect in posting this here.

I was listening to the local Christian radio station here while I was driving to pick my sister up from work tonight. The DJ said he received an email from a listener that got him thinking. The email asked him who he would choose as his next-door-neighbor to spend eternity with and why.

I figured this would make a very interesting thread since quite a few people here (if not everybody) believe(s) in Heaven.

If you could choose ANYONE, dead or alive, to spend eternity with as a next-door-neighbor who would it be?

I would choose my great-great-great grandfather Peter Marcy. Because he was such a remarkable man, I would be honored to meet him. He was an African-American slave in the South (I want to say it was Georgia but I can't be sure) who escaped to Iowa through the underground railroad. He then settled in a small town in Iowa called Bluffton, married a white woman and had a few kids. There's more to his story that I find remarkable. It would be amazing.

**You guys can change your answers if you want**
oh wow....hmmm I guess it'd be my real grandfather on my mom's side and my real grandmother on my dad's side (both living next to me on either side).

I never knew them. My grandsfather was murdered 6 monthes after he became a christian (when my mom was 14) and my grandmother died of cancer the night my mom and dad met (very weird btw).

So I'd coose them so I could get to know them better. lol
I think would like to have George Washington as my next door neighbor. He was an amazing man, and a devout Christian. It would be so cool to have him for a next door neighbor, because he is one of my heros.
Wow, you all made good choices. It goes without saying that we're united with Jesus in heaven, right? So we don't have to pick Jesus in order to get to be with Him? Because that would be the most important thing about heaven.

So, if we're guaranteed to be united with Jesus, the for my nextdoor neighbor in heaven, I would choose my best friend Roxie, and I hope that in fact this is the case. She died when we were in our early 20's, so I never really got to see her "grow up" you know, to know what she would have been. Can I have two? I would choose Big Gay Luke, my other best friend, also a friend of Rox's -- we were like the 3 muskateers -- That would insure he gets to heaven! :)
Well, my two departed wives will be WITH me up there--in the place where there is no jealousy, and where interpersonal love will take some other form that rules out smirking jokes about one man and two women. Maybe even THREE women by that time....if there's ever a change in the current earthly situation of all females I take an interest in running for their lives.

As for a NEIGHBOR, one I'd like to see is Captain John Paul Jones, one of my boyhood heroes.
I think the person I'd want to be next to the most would be my cousin, Bailey who passed away in 2004. She was only 14 and she had cerebral palsy *so severe that she could do nothing on her own*. I have a feeling that if our mansions are different colors, it will be completely purple because that was her favorite color. :)
Oh, this is hard! There's a lot of people I'd like to live by. On one side of me, I'd like to have Abraham Lincoln has a neighbor! And I also think it'd be great to live beside Thomas Jefferson!
I think about something a hippie said in an episode of "Gomer Pyle USMC"... When asked how they got along without furniture, Moon Dog said, "Man, if I had a couch, and I wanted to go to Tampa, I couldn't. I'd have to stay home and sit on my couch."

I don't think we walk or ride the bus. I think we will finally get to say "Beam me up, Scotty" and ... well ... appear.

That renders the idea of neighbours as the people you can easily reach obsolete, doesn't it?

And you may want to be by John Paul Jones. But dearest Copperfox, and no insult intended, don't you think he'd want his first mate and faithful crew members as neighbours? You know what I want? Some kind person that needs my love and doesn't have a long line of admirers wanting their autograph.

What I want is what Ozzie Nelson had on his show. To come out to the fence and ask Thorny if Catherine ever got the traffic ticket straightened out. I want a friend like Mr. Thornberry. Or to really be Mr. Rogers' neighbour. A little bit of celebrity goes a long way.
I think the concept of houses, and mansions, and neighborhoods in Heaven is a bit silly, personally.

I think that heaven will be something new.. something unique.. something we've not experienced (and that has no analogue) here.

I think the concept of "picking our neighbors" in Heaven to be a bit moot. If I want to visit John, I suspect I'd simply be able to wish myself in his presence, and then, if he so accepts, boom. There I am. There won't be a need to walk. There won't be a need to have mansions. There won't be a need to have exquisite food or good videos to watch.

We'd just be. In our purest and rawest form, in the presence of God.

And I really don't think we can describe how incredibly awesome that will be in our mortal-bound terminology.
After Pardine's post, I couldn't resist telling this one.

Ulysses S. Grant went up to the pearly gates where God was there to meet him personally, shake his hand, and invite him in.

He was taken to his little brownstone cottage which God showed him with a proud flourish.

"I don't mean to be ungrateful," said Grant, "but aren't there supposed to be mansions here?"

God scowled a bit. "Heavens, man, most people have apartments. It would be an ecological catastrophe to cover Heaven in mansions. You're lucky to have nice private quarters to entertain your fans."

At that Grant softened. "Well it really is a nice house, and..."

Off in the distance something caught the old statesman's attention. On a hill far off in the full rays of a never setting sun was a glorious and immense castle of pink marble with Confederate flags flying from all the corners, a hillside covered in bonnie blue bluebells, and around it marching four abreast a Confederate soldier honour guard singing Dixie.

"What the..." Grant exclaimed, pointing at this abhomination. "Bobby Lee was a rebel! He was president of a rinky-dink college! I was President of the United States and one of the greatest generals of all time! I helped save the union, and for what? To see Bobby Lee get this huge palace while I spend eternity in this brownstone shack??"

God scowled again. "Cool your jets, boy. That's not Robert E. Lee's house, that's MINE."
Hmmm.........who would I like to have as my nextdoor neighbor?
EINSTEIN!!! I would love to see if his hair is really like this all the time :D

Can I choose another one? Heath Ledger...I would ask if he would play the Joker again :D
After Pardine's post, I couldn't resist telling this one.

Ulysses S. Grant went up to the pearly gates where God was there to meet him personally, shake his hand, and invite him in.

He was taken to his little brownstone cottage which God showed him with a proud flourish.

"I don't mean to be ungrateful," said Grant, "but aren't there supposed to be mansions here?"

God scowled a bit. "Heavens, man, most people have apartments. It would be an ecological catastrophe to cover Heaven in mansions. You're lucky to have nice private quarters to entertain your fans."

At that Grant softened. "Well it really is a nice house, and..."

Off in the distance something caught the old statesman's attention. On a hill far off in the full rays of a never setting sun was a glorious and immense castle of pink marble with Confederate flags flying from all the corners, a hillside covered in bonnie blue bluebells, and around it marching four abreast a Confederate soldier honour guard singing Dixie.

"What the..." Grant exclaimed, pointing at this abhomination. "Bobby Lee was a rebel! He was president of a rinky-dink college! I was President of the United States and one of the greatest generals of all time! I helped save the union, and for what? To see Bobby Lee get this huge palace while I spend eternity in this brownstone shack??"

God scowled again. "Cool your jets, boy. That's not Robert E. Lee's house, that's MINE."

Love it!!!!
After Pardine's post, I couldn't resist telling this one.


God scowled again. "Cool your jets, boy. That's not Robert E. Lee's house, that's MINE."

As long as it doesn't have that rubbish statue of Forrest that's located on the Sixty Five, I'm fine with that ;)
He means this one. And he's right.

Well, this is perhaps going to sound a little weird, especially to those non-Catholics out there. But for my two next door neighbors, I would like Pope John Paul the Great and Saint Dominic. Of course that is assuming that all the people in the same family (all my ancestors) live in the mansion with me. Of course that may mean that instead of one of the two nextdoor neighbors listed above I would end up having Lonny as my Nextdoor neighbor since GW is part of my family tree.
I'd like my neighbor to be someone who had nobody on earth who cared about them.That way in eternity they would have somebody.:)
Thanks.:) Its my deepest hope to make someone who feels unneeded know theres someone who cares.:)