Eustace and Jill's fate...


Cool Hat Productions
Knight of the Noble Order
I have a question about Eustace and Jill in TLB. They were in the train station awaiting the rings from the others when they were transported by Aslan (they assume) into Narnia. But they mention that they felt a jolt or heard a sound just beforehand, indicating the trainwreck (mentioned later in the story) that took the others directly to Aslan's country.

Does this mean that they were "dead" to Earth when they were transported to Narnia, or did they possibly get to Narnia just before the wreck, and the whole timelag idea is why the wreck - which would only be seconds later in our world - was days later in the Narnia world?

Thoughts. Comments. Discussions.

(isn't it great how the 3 current discussions in TLB section are about death, falling away and getting freaked out? lol)
Death, doom and gloom

Okay, at the risk of being slightly morbid, here is my theory.

You have two people standing on a train platform, and you have several more inside the train and an accident occurs. I am going to argue that the people on the platform, that are struck by the train die first, and it takes another 10, maybe 20 seconds or more for the people inside the train to die. The people inside don't die because they are struck, they die because they are thrown about inside the train. Like in a car accident. The person hit by the car is going to die faster than the person inside the car because the person inside the car is slightly more protected.

I think that Eustance and Jill were struck and killed by the front of the train and immediately transported to Narnia. Several seconds later (in our world), the section of the train the rest of the seven friends were in crumpled or whatever and they were killed, but of course, even though only several seconds had passed in our world, several days had passed in Narnia.

Of course, you could argue that they were wisked moments before they actually died, in an Elijah type of situation. I don't think so though. Just my opinion.