Eustace Scrubb in NARNIA what do you think!

I think he´s annoying in the beginning, and I feel sorry for him when he´s a dragon, and when he´s turned back to a human it´s good to see that he´ve learned something while being a dragon and he treats people around him much better which made me like him better :D
I love Eustace! He's such a sweet little kid after the *coughDragonincidentcough* If anyone has (or has read) the full-color collector's edition, he has dark (black?) hair. So they should chose a dark-headed kid for the movie, I think. Yes, he should be hot. :rolleyes: :D
Eustace is very mean, but i think that was a big part due to his school and his parents.
i like him when he is changed back to human after being a dragon. what i also like is that the book says that he wasn't like.. perfect when he was changed back, he had also his bad old-eustace days, i think that makes him more real!
I like it that when he doesn't realize he shouldn't sleep in the dragon cave, Lewis says it's because he never read the right books! As if reading magical adventure stories would prepare you for stuff like that.
I haven't gotten to the dragon incident yet, but so far he's struck me as a sissy and a crybaby. But there's something comical about it too.