Expelled the movie

I intend to! Leftwing professors in the universities pretend that THEIR scientific views are somehow still the heroic underdog ideas, in danger of being repressed by a totally imaginary "theocracy;" it's time they were exposed as being now themselves the tyrannical establishment.
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OK, I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure it's a documentary about people who aren't being allowed to express what they have found in the area of intelligent design, hence the name "Expelled". Ben Stein interviews various people involved in this debate. I think Richard Dawkins is in there. . .
Anyway I can't wait! I might even dress up! :D
Yes, D-O-R, you've got it. You don't have to be a six-24-hour-day-creation literalist to realize that the science curriculum today is dominated by a strictly atheistic viewpoint which tries to gag alternate views.
I just watched this movie last Saturday. Awesome. Best movie I've seen in a long time. The coolest thing is that it makes you think. ;)
*** SPOILERS ***

I saw it Saturday also. It's very good. Here is the thing: Ben Stein is smart, and funny. So he intersperses the soundbites, interviews and science stuff with clips from old movie and TV shows and school films ... so it breaks up the documentary with funny stuff.

At one point, a scientist who had been censored was saying how no one in the science establishment today is allowed to speak about God, and then the movie cuts to a scene from the old "Planet of the Apes" movie where one of the mean apes is spraying a caged Chartlon Heston with a fire hose and hollering at him, "Shut up, you freak!" It catches you off-guard, and you can't help laughing.

But the actual nature of the film is rather sad, because scientists whose research leads them to propose that our universe could not have "evolved" without a Designer and a Plan are not allowed to publish their research, lose their jobs, and lose their funding. :(
My friend sent me an e-mail saying that it was really good. I hardly know anything about it, but from what people are saying about it, it sounds good.