Fan Art for LionCon 2008

Son of Adam

Pastor of Narnia
Knight of the Noble Order
This is for any of you who are not going to LionCon yet would like to send in any of your fan art to be put on display there. Tags will be made for all artwork submitted with the name of the piece of art and your name displayed with it. Remember all fan art sent in will not be returned unless you are sending money for return postage.

For those of you desiring to send in your Narnia artwork, check with your local post office on the size and weight of your package. If it is too large the post office will not handle it and they should be sent by UPS or FedEx. Remember....if you want it returned please send by check or M.O. the amount it will cost to send it back. Otherwise the board will assume ownership of the art and it will be placed on display at future LionCons.

Please mail to:

Honor Conventions, Inc.
P.O. Box 1927
Mariposa, CA 95338

or if shipping UPS or FedEx, send to:

Honor Conventions, Inc.
c/o Rev. Carl Kaspick
5238A Avoca Vale
Mariposa, CA 95338

Also please remember to pack your items very securely so as to ensure that they will not break or be damaged through shipping. Honor Conventions, Inc., will assume no responsibility for breakage during shipping of the item.

Those of you attending the convention just bring your artwork with you and we will lable them, inventory them and return the items to you at the end of the convention.

Hope to see you all there.
Yes, by all means, if you have pictures you want displayed at LionCon, let us know as soon as possible!

Frida, did you get any paintings done for it?

Any fan art that is not going to be returned can also be given away at the convention for prizes and such.

I almost forgot...scans of the artwork should also be sent to Thanks!
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I'd love to send some stuff, however, I don't have the money to mail them...oh well.
I would love to, but this is the first I'm hearing of it and I won't finish in time. And plus I'd be unwilling to send my artwork somewhere through post in case it got lost/damaged XD Oh well, maybe next time, eh? :)
I would love to, but this is the first I'm hearing of it and I won't finish in time. And plus I'd be unwilling to send my artwork somewhere through post in case it got lost/damaged XD Oh well, maybe next time, eh? :)

That's why I post all my artwork on an art site. I get to keep my work and everyone is still able to see it. :)