Fangirl entertainment - a side effect of the film


New member
I am psychic. :rolleyes: Did I not make this prediction months ago?

"Now, here's the thing that worries me. The film is going to get watched by a lot of tween kids ... which will result in a flooding of Narnia sites with a bunch of giggly fangirls leaving posts like: "OMG Peter is teh hawtness!!11!!Gt away 'cuz he's MINE troo luv!!111!" "~from a thread back in, I don't know, September or so.

Our forum has been inundated. Welcome, girls. :p

PS. Since irony typically is misunderstood, I add a disclaimer: This is tongue-in-cheek. We've all been there, and I'll make another prediction: given another six, seven years you will find this behaviour as humorous as I do. You will also, hopefully, favor typing in the king's english instead of all that silly netspeak. ;)
lol.... it is funny that you say that.... espcially if you look at the next three forum topic names:

OMG: William Is hot!!!!!

Who Loves William?

William Mosley Forum
Knight of Narnia said:
lol.... it is funny that you say that.... espcially if you look at the next three forum topic names:

OMG: William Is hot!!!!!

Who Loves William?

William Mosley Forum

excuse me, I meant to say:

- Is Peter Hot? -

- William Mosley -

-Who is the best Looking? - :D
Oh, sure, dream away. Like I said, most of us have been there. The adults here might have a hard time remembering what that first rush of hormones made us say and do, but I daresay we were similar. We just didn't have internet back then to display our adolescent lunacy to the world. :p
i made a comment not too long ago that every sub-forum here has a will moseley (and very soon, a skandar keynes, i believe) thread... the fangirls are on the move i guess...
hehe.....I have to laugh at this thread. This is sooo funny and so true. This site seems to over-run now by teenage girls getting all swooney over the actors in the movie.

That does take me back about 15 years ago! :)
I am a teenager but I am a guy so I dont have to worry about if Peter is hot or not. MY sister though thinks he is hot/cute. I just roll my eyes.

All the topics about William Mosely seriously are starting to get me a little angry...
It's true, Sunrise! I never have been part of a forum but this one, so I had no idea ... it's kind of cute and funny, though.
If you think fangirls are bad, you should hear some fanboys rant on and on about Emma Watson (Hermione) on a Harry Potter forum.

But for Narnia, my opinion is that your going to hear more girls rant than boys, because they cast two above average looking young men (I am a young man and not gay) a young girl, and a teenage girl, who looks like any other girl I've seen in my high school.

If they had Lucy played by a good looking girl six years older, and Susan played by a british bombshell, myself and many other fanboys would be ranting as loud as the fangirls.
dreaming is all the same..

Im 17 and yeah, i think will is attractive, i also think Orlando Bloom, Jonny Depp are pretty too. OH MY GOD HEAVEN FORBID IT THAT IM ATTRACTED TO THE OPPERIST SEX!!!!!!!!!1 :eek:

Providence said:
If you think fangirls are bad, you should hear some fanboys rant on and on about Emma Watson (Hermione) on a Harry Potter forum.

yeah...I am apart of that forum...and I say.........Ooohhhh...I hate all the fanboys who always talk rubbish about Emma Watson...but here I see many kind of fangirls that I must respect coz their fanatics to William and Skandar not really bad like fanboys that I know :D

I am teen girl too but I 'm not crazy or fanatic to William or Skandar...I do think that they are hot but they are not really my choice...Skandar is too young..William is hot of course but he can't act like Georgie in the Narnia...I become apart of this forum coz I'm a fan of Narnia books and Anna Popplewell :D :D
Welcome Sakura - welcome all fangirls and boys, too.
You're at a wonderful age right now. Enjoy it! :)

What I think is much worse than the fangirls is the posting of threads that are kind of off-color humor along the lines of
"Aslan out of the closet" or
"Tumnus and Lucy = pedophilia"

I find that sort of stuff offensive when it comes to books I loved as a child and have continued to find so appealing and refreshing, and I notice there was none of this kind of "innuendo masquerading as humor" or whatever before the movie came out ... oh well, I guess I am just old-fashioned. :eek:
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*cough cough* Just digging this thread out of the blue---just in case anyone has noticed, the fangirlism side affects are starting to wear off. *sigh* So just wait till PC! ;)
*SkandarsQueen* said:
*cough cough* Just digging this thread out of the blue---just in case anyone has noticed, the fangirlism side affects are starting to wear off. *sigh* So just wait till PC! ;)

i agree but i admit i am a fangirl and occasionally i will say things like
Will is hot
but only occasionally :rolleyes:
Here, here to all. I do believe that every single thread, whether, titled so or not, includes at least a couple postings on the "hotness" level of one of the boys. Being someone whose never been interested in my age level or younger, I would have been more apt to gush over Patrick Kake to be perfectly honest. All things aside, the thing that irritates me most would have to be the netspeak, once I actually get through reading a post, I wonder why I even bothered to begin with (as they all say something that translates into Will is Hot followed by Skandar is Hotter repeated in different forms for about 666 pages). Yes, by the way, that was a joke if you got it.

Words and rhapsody to all.