Favorite Passages?


New member
What were your favorite passages from the book.Mine was:
"Where sky and water meet,
Where the waves grow sweet,
doubt not reepicheep,
To find all you seek,
there is the utter east"
I loved the part when Aslan sent the message to Lucy in the Island where Dreams Come True - "Courage, dear heart"...
I like the passage at the end of The Silver Chair where it says the Headmistress of Experiment House became an Inspector (and was found to be inept) and finally wound up in Parliament where she lived happily ever after - I thought that passage was very satirical but very true!
How about the opening lines-it goes something like, "There was a boy names Eustace Scrubb, and he almost deserved it." :D I always get a kick out of that one.
I think the one that put me over was the whole Dragon transformation. Its climax was when Aslan says: "let ME take your skin away"...awesome tenderness that only God can show
I don't know about all of you, but the dufflepuds made me laugh so much. :D

The Magician sighed. "You wouldn't believe the troubles I've had with them. A few months ago they were all for washing up the plates and knives before dinner: they said it saved time afterwards. I've caught them planting boiled potatoes to save cooking them when they were dug up. One day the cat got into the dairy and twenty of them were at work moving the milkd out; no one thought of moving the cat."


"That's what we are,' they bellowed, "Moneypuds, Pomonods, Poddymons. Just what it was on the tips of our tongue to call ourselves."
Favourite Passage

I love the part where Lucy, looking down into the water from the Dawn Treader, sees the world beneath the sea and meets the eyes of a Sea Girl: "Lucy had liked that girl and she felt certain the girl had liked her. In that one moment they had somehow become friends. There does not seem to be much chance of their meeting again in that world or any other. But if ever they do they will rush together with their hands held out." Beautiful! I like to think that Lucy will meet the Sea Girl again in the new Narnia.
One I can relate to well.... Aslan walking to the stone table. Lucy and Susan are discovered and the lion asked why they were following him. They knew something was wrong, but not what.

"I could use some company tonight. Walk with your hand touching my mane so I can feel you. And let us go on like that."

How many times have you had to hold in an awful truth from the ones you love, and it made you feel terribly, terribly lonely? When you want them to walk with their hand touching your mane if they promise to stop where you must go on alone?
Charn_Tim said:
How about the opening lines-it goes something like, "There was a boy names Eustace Scrubb, and he almost deserved it." :D I always get a kick out of that one.
One of the best openers to a book ever created. Haha! So good!
I just adored the part when Lucy saw the lonley Sea Girl. and I loved the part when Aslan appeared in the form of an Albatross and whispred to Lucy, "Courage, dear heart." Man, in the Audio Book CD for VDT, you should hear Aslan's voice when he says that..so kool.