Fobbiden Love:

Sir Godfrey

Pelegrin Crucis
In the midest of the darkness and all the death I see her face. Her eyes like burning embers that pierce my heart. Her hair as fine a silk and her face which is a beutiy beyond compare. I see her standing in the rain, keeping a smile on her face. The Storms and battles to not shake her, the shouts and roars do not make her tremble. She is as firm as a rock, unwilly to give up. If she would but look at me, I would be content for a life time. If she would smile for me I would have never ending joy. She is the light in all this darkness, she is the beutful rose among the thorns. She is the precious stone among the pebbles. How I long to hold her in my arms, how I long to feel her breaths against the flesh. If I could stand in her presence it would be enough. She is intoixcating, mezomrizing, and even hypnotic. My passion for her is like thounsand suns. My desire is like over flowing waters. If I could but smell her hair, my senses would never have to smell again.

But in my own ways I am trapped. Imprison by my sworn duty. She is unreachable, unatanable, and even forbidden. I swore oaths that keep me ever from her. I chose a life apart from her precious presence. Oh how I wish I could wish my feelings away. How I wish these emotions would stop overtaking me. But I can't, My love for her is unending, it has no boundries, it is a constant flow. But alas it is not ment to be. She stands six feet away, but I cannot touch her. She is within ear range but I cannot speak. She is in my eyesight, but I may not look upon her. For I have sworn myself to my duty. In the shadows I suffer, even looking to the stars for guidance. I dream of a pardise where she and I may be. I dream of place where I can be free of this burden, where I can touch her, smell her, and hold her. But alas I wake up and am reminded evermore of the harsh saking reality.

If I could but sleep one more hour and hold her in my arms. If I could but taste her rose flavored lips. If I could just look upon her for one more day, it would be enough. But again I am awakened, by the constant sound of battle. I stand in a valley of corpses, where I share my heart. With the dead I sahre something in comman and with living I share misery. For ever passing hour I am away from her I ach. My heart beats faintly. My eyes glaze over. I feel the constant torment in my soul. The Longing that cannot be quienched. The disire that can never be satisfied. Alas I standing again in the shadows, lutting the rain pour down on me. Through the thick myst I see the horizon, Faint and almost none existant. But I know it is there. Just as I know she is there, waiting. I cannot bare it, for I feel it taking me. The further apart from her the worse it gets. I am suficating in these shadows, gasping for air she can only give.

But time passes and continue to go on without breathing. My heart beats fainter with each passing moment. And as the Sun rises see the shadows uncovered. Lands filled with pain and death. And standing in midest of it all I see her, standing on the hill top, overlooking the black sea. The Sun rays pass over her face, making her look even more like an Angel. My heart leaps forth, wanting to go to her. But my feet stand still, unable to move. Once again I'm reminded that I cannot have her. Once again my heart sinks beneath the crash waves of the sea. Broken on the rocks, I look up at her heavenly face. Reaching out I cry out, but nothing is happening. Instead she turns away with smile, leaving me there with my suffering. If she only knew how I felt, if she only knew how much she mattered to me. But again I am torn by my duty, for my desires are forbidden. Thus I must carry on, trying the best to make due with what I have. But it isn't enough. Life seems to painful without her. But as my heart achs, I remeber her face. I keep it within my heart. Where it must remain locked. Until the day when she can open it.

I wait for that day with impatience. Every passing minute is an hour. Every hour a day. And every day a month. And ever month a year. I can barly bare it, but it is my burden and my duty. Which I have sworn to keep. Each battle I fight terrified. Each victory I find no rejoice. For My mind and heart are forever under her spell. No matter how many victories or triumphs, they are all counted as nothing without her. So again I lay in the shadows to sleep, hoping with each passing minute I doze off, that I will have dreams of her sweet face. That I will smeel her alburn hair, that I will taste he rosy lips, and that I can finally hold her in my arms...

A Poem By Sir Godfrey
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{Tries to breath from crying} SG!!!!! That was amazing!!!!:eek: :eek: Oh my gosh!!!! I love it! Wonderful! Bravo! Fantastico!!!:D
Only one suggestion:
I am suficating in these shadows, gasping for air she can only give.
This line--sounds as if you're saying air is the only thing she can give to anyone. When I think you mean to say "I am suffocating in these shadows, gasping for air only she can give."

It's all in the place of the only.

Otherwise: You are totally wrecking my oath to never be a romantic again...*scowl*:p
Well I have my own questions about some of theings I said in this poem. I admit thatl ine should be totally cahnged, because I don't beleive it. Prehapes if I realy take some time I'll alter a lot of this poem.