Food for thought


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i posted a thread about casting a american in a british role. interesting feed back. Anyone think that a american teenage boy or girl could pull off a british accent? I seriously doubt it but you never know. I would rather not see another bad accent like the one used by elijah wood for frodo baggins!

Penny for your thoughts?!?!?
Well I definitely think an American could pull off a good British accent. I definitely cannot, but I am trying to get better.
I think that there are a few American actors who would be able to pull it off, but i really dont see the point of it when you have a lot of talented British actors where a British accent comes naturally to them.

You also have to consider that there are hundreds of different accents and some even have their own dialects as well.

If a character is British, it only makes sense that the person playing that character is British as well.
Well I dunno what other characters need British accents...atleast for PC.. I don't think Caspian would need a british accent.
i can totally do a british accent. i don't like to, because people think im doing it just because of narnia. but my dream role is aravis, and i welcome any info about that.
No offence to you Americans, but dazzascfc is right. Why cast an American trying to be British when you can have a talented actor who already has a British accent. There isn't any point but Hollywood is made up of idiots
ok no offence but hell yea! i lived in england for nearly 3 years and even now almost 5 years later from being back in the USA sometimes it slips and i sound naturally british. of course an american can pull it off! its not as though we're retarded! i mean we beat them in WAR dude, so we can do anything they do!!!
(srry i get carried away cuz ppl think im stupid cuz im american) :mad:
Look i wasn't having a go at you and i don't think Americans are stupid, some actors maybe but in general Americans arn't stupid.

And as to your refference to the war, Americans were orignally from the British islands or Europe but couldn't hack under Brit rule. You wouldn't have won if the french hadn't come to your assistence.

Now no more fights, i was just commenting that the characters should be fiilled by a british actor.
I think that an American could pull off a British accent. Yeah for some reason, I could see Prince Caspian without one. But yes with SK21, why get an american to do an english accent, when there are hundreds of thousands that already have it naturally and are just good as actors. ;)
Celine_USA said:
ok no offence but hell yea! i lived in england for nearly 3 years and even now almost 5 years later from being back in the USA sometimes it slips and i sound naturally british. of course an american can pull it off! its not as though we're retarded! i mean we beat them in WAR dude, so we can do anything they do!!!
(srry i get carried away cuz ppl think im stupid cuz im american) :mad:
Your taking this way too seriously...

Why bring up a war that happened over hundred years ago in a discussion about accents? it proves nothing and has nothing whatsoever to do with the subject.

You might be able to do a British accent, but you will never sound naturally British because you arent naturally British.

I also mentioned in my previous post that there are hundreds of different accents in Britian. Im British but i cant even do accents from other area's of the country because of how different they are.

Nobody is saying American's are stupid, but its totally pointless to have American actors playing British characters when there are plenty of British actors where the accent comes naturally.

I would say exactly the same thing about British actors playing American characters, even if they can do an American accent, its totally pointless.
dazzascfc said:
Your taking this way too seriously...

Why bring up a war that happened over hundred years ago in a discussion about accents? it proves nothing and has nothing whatsoever to do with the subject.

You might be able to do a British accent, but you will never sound naturally British because you arent naturally British.

I also mentioned in my previous post that there are hundreds of different accents in Britian. Im British but i cant even do accents from other area's of the country because of how different they are.

Nobody is saying American's are stupid, but its totally pointless to have American actors playing British characters when there are plenty of British actors where the accent comes naturally.

I would say exactly the same thing about British actors playing American characters, even if they can do an American accent, its totally pointless.

Yeah I think that you are right with everything ^_^
The simple point is that British actors have no handicap when it comes to the accent. Many Americans can do a very passable imitation, but most of the time it is labored and not accurate. I would prefer British actors for the authenticity.

If other countries think that we [Americans] are stupid, that is Hollywood's fault and not the fault of the American people. And remember, the British and Americans are the most alike of any two nationalities, excepting Canada.
My sister and I have the uncanny talent of being able to listen to any English accent/dialect and speak it in a convincing manner.

Cockney is my favorite. English accents are posh, but a bit fun too. :)

I think that there are loads of American actors that can do britsh accents and vice versa. I mean dose it really matter what country there from? As long as they can pull of the role and be totally beleivable, american, british, or anywhere else thats the only inportant thing that there talented. :confused:
I think Eustace could be an American. He is suppose to be different. Also Caspian can be an American. He is never thought to have to have an English accent. :p
CSLewisFan said:
My sister and I have the uncanny talent of being able to listen to any English accent/dialect and speak it in a convincing manner.

Cockney is my favorite. English accents are posh, but a bit fun too. :)

I bet you a weeks worth of my wages that you will struggle to speak in a Potteries accent/dialect in a convincing manner :p

'Cost kick a bow agen' a woe, y'ed it back an bost it?'

I think the best famous example of a Potteries accent is Robbie Williams, but even his isnt as strong as it could be

~I<3Skandar!~ said:
I think that there are loads of American actors that can do britsh accents and vice versa. I mean dose it really matter what country there from? As long as they can pull of the role and be totally beleivable, american, british, or anywhere else thats the only inportant thing that there talented. :confused:
It doesnt matter where they come from, but it is just totally pointless to have an actor or actress speaking in another accent when there are plenty of talented actors and actresses who can speak in the accent naturally.