? for smart ppl.....


New member
Okay....so i am not that bright when it comes to graphics.....Beatrix_R made me an awesome banner, but its to big it has to be like 19 kb's i think? How do i resize it?
Is still too big??


If it's still too big, it might the format it was saved in. PNG, while I think it makes graphics the best quality, is a really big file. JPG might serve you better if it's still too big.
You need photoshop to resize it properly, and I think it's already resized?? *looks at thread* is it still too big??:confused:

Actually, you don't need Photoshop to resize it- just any photo editor. If you little box is check marked "constrain proportions", it should be fine.

Try uploading the banner onto a photo-hosting website (Photobucket, Imageshack, etc.), like the way you had to do it before Specter upgraded, because it lets your banner be a bigger size (I think).

Also, besides saving it as a JPEG, save it onto a lower resolution. ("Medium" or something as opposed to "Maximum High") That's what I do when my avaters are too big and I have already resized them. :)
it was png.....is there any way that i can change it to jpg?

first you open up the image and select "Save As"


then you select the pull-down arrow and click "JPEG" and click save.


(If your file is still too big, try saving it on a smaller resolution.) this image is from Mrs.Moseley~QueenofNarnia :)

EDIT: I did this with Photoshop, but you can do that with almost any photo editing program if you select "Save As"
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