Forgotten Past RPG

oxford girl

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Forgotten past RPG

A science experiment went bad, 7 people had there past erased. There only link to there past is each other. All they know is there name. For some this is a blessing, they can start over, but slowly there past will come back. For others it’s a struggle to survive, they don’t have an identity; they don’t know anything about them selves. But there is a benefit to there little miss hap; they each know an important thing that is going to happen in there knew future. Little do they know that the scientist who caused there memory loss is after them, he must kill them before they relies that he is try to make all people on earth his slaves. They each know a small bit of how to stop him, but unless they work to gether they will all die.

I will be the scientist

No cursing
No using someone else’s character
No killing someone else’s character unless you have there permission and mine.
Max of 7 characters
Try to have five sentences per post.

Fill this out to join:

Age: (between 17 and 21)
Short Bio: (what happen to them before there past was erased)
Appearance: (description, not pic.)
What does he/she know: (I will pm each person and tell them)

My person.

Name: Astra Mather
Age: 20
Short Bio: Astra had a troubled childhood, bother her parents abused her. She saw her parents kill her brother then they tried to kill her, she escaped and lived on the streets of New York till she was 16. Then she moved in with her aunt, her aunt died a year latter and left Astra a fortune. She volunteered for the science experiment to try to blur her memory of her parents, to dull the pain.
Appearance: 5’8, 120 pounds, long wavy black hair, ocean blue eyes, high cheek bones, tan skin, she in naturally gorgeous.
Personality: Shy, she is terrified of being touched by anyone, but especially men. She is compassionate, and would give her life to save anyone, even if she didn’t know them. She has a hard time trusting anyone.
Fear: men, falling in love.
What does she know:
It's a book by a writer named James Patterson. There's three of them. Here's their titles:
Book 1:The Angel Experiment
Book 2:School's Out-Forever
Book 3:Saving the World and other Extreme Sports

Basically the whole storyline is about 6 kids:
Max is the main character, a girl, 15 years old, and the leader of the 6.
Fang is the second in command, a boy, 15 years old.
Iggy is the third in command, a boy, 15 years old, blind.
Nudge is next. She's 12, a girl.
Gazzy is the fourth. He's 11, a boy.
Angel is last. She's 8, a girl, can control people's minds.

Basically they were all experimented on by evil scientists and got avian (bird) DNA grafted into their own DNA. They have wings. They have escaped the place where the scientists did this to them. It's called The School. Their lives are all about running and flying. They're REALLY interesting and good books. You should read them! They keep you sitting on the edge of your seat!
It's a book by a writer named James Patterson. There's three of them. Here's their titles:
Book 1:The Angel Experiment
Book 2:School's Out-Forever
Book 3:Saving the World and other Extreme Sports

Basically the whole storyline is about 6 kids:
Max is the main character, a girl, 15 years old, and the leader of the 6.
Fang is the second in command, a boy, 15 years old.
Iggy is the third in command, a boy, 15 years old, blind.
Nudge is next. She's 12, a girl.
Gazzy is the fourth. He's 11, a boy.
Angel is last. She's 8, a girl, can control people's minds.

Basically they were all experimented on by evil scientists and got avian (bird) DNA grafted into their own DNA. They have wings. They have escaped the place where the scientists did this to them. It's called The School. Their lives are all about running and flying. They're REALLY interesting and good books. You should read them! They keep you sitting on the edge of your seat!

hmm, ok, they sound good.
Hmm...well...I do have way too many RPGs to reply to, but I'll give it a go!
Name: Lyra Snowwe
Age: 19
Short Bio:
Appearance: Straight black hair to her shoulders, blue eyes, 5ft. 8
Personality: Taciturn; nice when she wants to be
What does he/she know

By short bio, do you mean RIGHT before it happened? And what does she know; do you mean about herself or what happened?
Hmm...well...I do have way too many RPGs to reply to, but I'll give it a go!
Name: Lyra Snowwe
Age: 19
Short Bio:
Appearance: Straight black hair to her shoulders, blue eyes, 5ft. 8
Personality: Taciturn; nice when she wants to be
What does he/she know

By short bio, do you mean RIGHT before it happened? And what does she know; do you mean about herself or what happened?

The bio is about her life up till her memory was erased, like the one I made for my person. What she knows is what she knows to stop the scientist from making all of earth his slave, I'll pm you that.
Name: Ella Hemlock
Age: 19
Short Bio: Had eight little siblings. Mother died, father struggled to keep the family together
Appearance: Medium-length straight blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'5", slim
Personality: Smart, kind, helpful, knows when to keep her mouth shut.
Fear: Serious injuries and blood
What does he/she know:
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May I??

Name: Monica Faron
Age: (between 17 and 21) 18
Short Bio: When she was little, one of her friends drowned while swimming, she hasn't been able to enter a body of water since, but enjoys the rain. Her parents tried as hard as they could to help her cope, but were unsuccessful. She is very creative, and likes to draw and write her own stories from her dreams. That's how she has coped all these years.
Appearance: Tall, very short blonde hair, pale skinned even though she spends practically every minute of her time outside.
Personality: Quiet, she would rather be in a peaceful room where she can read, or sing to herself. Sweet, she almost always thinks of others first, and does whatever she can do to help. It is hard for her to show her true feelings, except through music.
Fear: Bodies of Water, rain is okay.
What does he/she know: I don't know...I can't remember!!! J/K.
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Okay, I'll join!
Name: Ryan Snowwe
Age: 19
Short bio: Her mother died when she was 4, her 4 siblings disppeared, and her father was abusive. She had no friends or relatives to go to, so she ran away.
Appearance: Straight black hair to her shoulders, blue eyes, 5 ft. 8.
Personality: Taciturn; nice when she wants to be
Fear: Dying and weather disasters
What she knows: ummm........
ooh this sounds fun =]

Name: Alyssa Dayton
Age: 17
Short Bio: Her father was a very violent and abusive man. He murdered her mother and brother right in front of her when she was 10. After that she had to live with her aunt who she hated. When she was 14 she went to live with her uncle in a small town in Texas where she met her best friend and true love who died in a car crash when she was 16.
Appearance: shoulder length layered black hair with bangs going diagonally across her face covering one eye, light blue eyes, lots of black eyeliner, pale skin, 5'4", rarely ever wears anything that isn't black, or grey
Personality: very quiet but very kind when she does speak
Fear: death and blood
What does he/she know:

uhhh yeah thats all i can come up with for now o_o lol
Name:Marissa Long
Age: 19
Short Bio: She was brought up in a rich and wealthy family who were highly respected and she had to be on her best behaviour all the time for others were always watching her just waiting for her to mess up so they could use it against her.
Appearance: Shoulder langht light brown hair, dark blue eyes, tanned, slim, 5"7.
Personality:Well disciplined, mannered, funny and crazy when no ones watching, clever, athletic and very competitive. Quick learner and independent.
Fear:Spiders and death or loss of loved ones and lonliness.
What does he/she know: ??

Name: Jack Davies
Bio: Marissa's cousin. Comes from a bad background where his family were gamblers and bums. His mother died when he was young and his father is reckless and stubborn. Had to find his own food and living. Would have taken shelter with Marissas family but they rejected him not wanting him to give their family a bad name. Being alone most of his life when Marissa didnt sneak out to keep him company.
Looks: Shaggyish sandy blonde hair, 6"0, slim but with slight muscles due to fighting a lot and always training hoping to be a boxer one day.
Fear: Love
Personality: Hard, tough, not afraid of anything, hardworking and determined, stubborned but also protective and kind, firnedly and loving.
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Can I join???
Name: Kirale Davies
Age: (between 17 and 21) 18
Short Bio: Nice Childhood....Fell in love with a Christian boy and He was shot in front of her by a gang who's leader was in love with Kirale...Kirale became traumatized and depressed...She could never get over her Love's death
Appearance: Brunette...short little petite girl...Green...hazel eyes that sparkle..with a freckled nose
Personality: Used to be carefree and in love... now depressed and sad
Fear: Of the Gang who shot her love...Especailly the Man who shot him