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Gentle Voice

Active member
It was the day before the wedding and everyone was getting ready for the big day Anna wasn't sure what to do she was too excited to think. Else was making everything all icy looking and Kristoff was walking back and forth he was getting nerves about the day, but he kept calm when he saw Anna dancing around and giggling she was wearing a light blue dress and her hair was all up she took his hands and started to dance with him " oh, Kristoff this going be great!," she told him, with a huge smile on her face. He laughs and pulls her closer and kissed her forehead " Yeah, I can't wait to wake up seeing you beside of me," he told her, now spinning her around.

The next day Elsa was making sure her sister had everything read for her wedding everyone was there and looking nice in the dresses and suits. The wedding was outside and it was snow so everything was white and looking so pretty. Everyone slowly took their seats and the bells starts to rung and Anna walks down hold arms with a tall good-looking man with short white hair and blue eyes. The bridesmaids were all in line waiting for her to come down. Elsa was trying not to cry when she saw her sister now holding Kirstoff's hands with a huge smile on her face. The pastor told them what to say and do then asked if anyone didn't want her to get married to Kristoff. At first no, one came and run to say No, but there was an other guy came and yelled out stop no! Everyone was looking at him with their arms crossed with glares. The guy was breathing hard from running. Anna sighs " Who are you?" she asked, in a calm gentle tone in her guy smirks " I'm someone who thinks you shouldn't get married to him!' he told her, now walking over to them pulling out his sword.

it was an hour now and the two guys were fighting who should win Anna's heart so far it was Kristoff who was winning the other guy was all beat up and cuts were bleeding. Elsa now came into the fight and froze the guy and nods to the pastor " Now if there is no, one else who wants to cut us off you now can kiss the bride," the pastor told them, watching them slowly kissing each other. The guy who walked Anna down smiles and holding someone hand who was crying of joy for their daughter who was now married.
Little sweetheart, are you describing things IN the movie, or are you imagining what could happen AFTER the end of the movie?
this is after everything and if you notes some of the chars are not from the movie just wait and see.

It was weeks later after the wedding and Anna was outside looking the clouds go by when Kristoff came over and place his arms around her " Hey beautiful," he told her, pulling her closer to him and kisses her lips. Anna giggled and kisses him back then pulls away and jumps down and starts to run. Kristoff laughs and ran after her " hey wait up!," he told his new wife. Elsa was all ready outside watching them with a soft smile on her face their father was making everything snowy " Dad do you want to make a snowman!," she asked, now running up to her father still holding hands with Kristoff. Jack laughs " Sure we can do that," he told her, now making a ball to make a snowman " I want it huge !," she told her brother, with a giggle. Jack shakes his head" All right," He told his daughter, now making the snowman tall.

It was time for lunch and everyone was at the table to eat Jack was sitting down at the end of the table watching his daughters with a huge smile on his face. Anna giggles while she played with Kirstoff's hair and Elsa was eating her food with a soft smile on her face " This is nice," she said, now taking a bite of her food. Kirstoff laughs and threw a piece of his food at Anna" hey!" Anna said, now doing the same thing to him. A tall dark-haired young man came behind Elsa placing his hands over Elsa's eyes" Guess who?," he said, now trying to have a soft ton in his voice. Elsa smiles and kissed his hand " Um my good-looking boyfriend ," She said, with a smile. He laughs with a smirk on his face " Ah, yes that's me all right," He told her, now picking her up and spun her around then kissed her on her lips. Jack rolls his eyes and got up and left so his daughters could be alone with their men.

five months went by and Anna was walking around holding her stomach with a smile on her face . Kirstoff was making sure she was all right and won't hurt herself.
Anna was in bed being bored and wishing that she could do more than sitting in bed Jack came into the room with a smile on his face " How are you feeling?" he asked, now right beside her. Anna sighs " I'm fine papa just wishing that I could walk around and see what's going on!," she told her father, rubbing her stomach with a frown. Jack frowns and kissed his daughter's forehead " it be to long until they come now get some rest," He told her, now walking out of the room and Kistoff came into the room with a smile on his face " Why hello ," he said, now picking up his bride and started to carry her around the castle .

Hours went by and slowly the sun was going down and Anna and Kistoff was still walking around while Elsa was with her own boyfriend who was telling her what he wanted to do with her that down. Jack was just watching his daughter with a smile on his face " You'll be so proud of them Nina ," he said, now looking down at an old photo of his late wife. Odlof was walking around with his little snow cloud with a huge smile on his face " me this is super!," the snowman said, smiling.

It was now night-time and everyone was in the rooms getting ready for bed then there was a loud scream coming from Anna's room and everyone ran to find out what just happen she was on the floor with tears rolling down from her cheeks. Jack helps her on the bed and looks around " someone make hot water they are coming!," He told them. Kirstoff freaks out now " Wait hold on they are coming now! like now, now!?" he said, walking back and forth freaking out. Elsa sighs and walks out of the room and made a bowling water and came back " hey put this on her forehead!," she told Kirstoff.
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