Fun Island RPG


New member
You are a teenager on this island with everything you would want. Have fun a little. Also i recommend going to the beach during the sunset.


Name: Marika
Age: 16
BIO: Marika is a high-spritied girl. She is also bright and cheers you up when you're sad.
sounds like fun!!!!

name: Eve
looks: short dark brown hair, greeny-blue eyes and slim.
Eve is very romantic, but with a slight embarrasment about it. She doesn't like sports, she's very clumsy. She's quite sarcastic, but can act like a child when she's very excited.
ooh I'll join too.



looks:very long redish brown hair. yellowish eyes.tall and skinny.

Alex is just as crazy as any other 16 year old girl. She loves reading though and can get so lost in a book hat somone could be having a whole conversation and she'll not hear a word they said. She is very distracted and doesn't talk when she's thinking hard which makes people think she's anti-social but really she's very out-going and will talk to almost anyone.
Me too!!!!!

Lissie Brown

Age 18

looks: Blondish hair, REALLY green eyes

bio: Lissie is kind, tall and shy. She often wishes that she could disapear.

Heres a pic i tried to draw of her. :eek:
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I wanna play!

Name: Sarah
Age: 20
Bio: Is a lot of fun, loves hanging out with her friends and boyfriend, and doesn't try drugs or cigarets :)

Here's a pic:
Sarah was walking along the beach, when Edward Speleers (my BF!! YAY!) came up to her and said "You look great today."
"Is there ever a time when you don't say that?"
"It's ok!" she said, smiling. The reddish purple glow from the water reflected on the whole left side of her, giving her a warm glow.
Eve was laying on the beach, soaking up the dying sun.
"Paradise," she whispered. It was true, the tropical island was as close as one could get to heaven.
Oh lol! :D I was in a hurry to join I didn't see.

ic: Jadie stood up after holding her breath for 45 seconds-she wanted to get to one minute.

She went up to her backpack to get a drink :cool: not cold, cuz her bag wasn't a fridge, but she had just spent 45 seconds in the water anyways.

ooc: yeah :cool: lol not many people on-

ic: Jadie's eyes felt blurry when she saw people she only thought were possible in her dreams-her old friends: Cheng, Johnny, Charmay Edelfa, Austin and My! :eek: lol hehe