Georgie Fans


Circus Ringmaster
Knight of the Noble Order
Here's the ground rules on the fan threads.

1) The conversation does need to stay on Georgie. A little bit off topic, as in a couple posts, is okay but this is to talk about Georgie.

2) Providing it stays clean, you can talk about anything. While the official threads are for professional career, this is for anything Georgie related. Whether she looks cuter in red or looks better with long hair. You can discuss writing fan letters, happy birthday wishes or new interviews. All Georgie topics are just fine.

(Oh, and I couldn't remember if Georgieites is the name of the fans or what so just let me know and I'll change the title)
As I have said before, no news is no news. Had I received anything, it would have been shouted from the hills (or at least in all caps here).

As I have said before, no news is no news. Had I received anything, it would have been shouted from the hills (or at least in all caps here).


I once waited about 8 months instead of the average 4 months that most people wait. She was filming PC when I asked for my first autograph. I have two now, one from LWW and one from PC. I know it's been a while but maybe she was working on VOTDT or flying to the location. I'm sure she could answer it if she could. :)

I'd like to know when the photo for VOTDT is going to be available so I can request an autograph with that photo.
I once waited about 8 months instead of the average 4 months that most people wait. She was filming PC when I asked for my first autograph. I have two now, one from LWW and one from PC. I know it's been a while but maybe she was working on VOTDT or flying to the location. I'm sure she could answer it if she could. :)

I'd like to know when the photo for VOTDT is going to be available so I can request an autograph with that photo.

I need to start writing some letters. *marks it on her "lists of things to do this weekend"*
My friend says she found Georgie on facebook and she showed and it looks like a home photo of her abit.
Just in case anyone is interested in becoming her online BBF! lol :D
Someone had said they thought they had found Georgie's myspace a few years ago, but it was just someone saying they were Georgie Henley when they weren't. But, I think that account was taken down due to the lying.
Georgie is the best actress in the Chronicles of Narnia movies. She is so talented. She was great in LWW, and she was only 8 then! Now when Prince Caspian came out, she had aged a lot I almost could not believe it was her. She is definitely very beautiful and talented. I am so glad she was cast in the role of Lucy, my favorite of the Pevensie's.