Get It Early


New member
i get the LWW DVD early cause my dad sells DVD's and gets Disney DVD's Really early!
but if u want when i get it I will tell u ALL bout the bouns features and stuf! :D
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aslan said:
It is AWSOME!!
and it is in a REALLY nice case!!


did you watch the commentary and bloopers and all the deleted scenes and stuff? did you see the scene w/them dancing at the coronation? :confused: is it funny? is the dvd nice? i cant wait till april 4th! :D
I've got it as well. I've not gone through all the bonus features yet, but what I have seen has been good so far.
I'm the webmaster of this website. I have to have it so I can review it on time. :)
pink-cheetah said:

did you watch the commentary and bloopers and all the deleted scenes and stuff? did you see the scene w/them dancing at the coronation? :confused: is it funny? is the dvd nice? i cant wait till april 4th! :D
ya it is the 2-disic edition
i did not watch the commentary's but the bloopers were funny!
i didn't see them dancing, and there are not any deleted scence since it went by the book. one feture is funny *The childrens magical journey*
Specter said:
I've got it as well. I've not gone through all the bonus features yet, but what I have seen has been good so far.
ya i didnt go thourgh all of them since there are 10 HOURS of bouns fetures!
Did u get the 2-disc one???
aslan said:
ya i didnt go thourgh all of them since there are 10 HOURS of bouns fetures!
Did u get the 2-disc one???
Yes, I did... I'm very excited about it. In fact, for a youth group that I help lead, we watched the movie on a 57-inch Widescreen HDTV with 5.1 Surround Sound. It is excellent!
Specter said:
Yes, I did... I'm very excited about it. In fact, for a youth group that I help lead, we watched the movie on a 57-inch Widescreen HDTV with 5.1 Surround Sound. It is excellent!
wen u watch som of the bonus footage can u tel me if theres much of skandar on there?pleez
Specter said:
Yes, I did... I'm very excited about it. In fact, for a youth group that I help lead, we watched the movie on a 57-inch Widescreen HDTV with 5.1 Surround Sound. It is excellent!

LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY!! i am so jealous. ;) like, what, 15 or 16 more days or something?
Sooo is the scene where the children are dancing at the coronation not on there? Man, I was hoping it would be. I'm hoping to get the extended edition if they come out with one.