Going back in time

Gentle Voice

Active member
OK this is about this kids who just lost there home and they have to live most every were they can think of but the main Character is Molly you see what happens to her soon.

OK once there was a girl and a boy they where bothers and sisters but one day a very fine day went wrong their Mum just lost her Job and now their home. The kids didn't want to be in a fosters home so they thought to run away. Well when they got to the Museum they look around for awhile hours later Molly was getting tired she fall fast asleep.Her bother and one hand found a time mutation he thought it would be funny to put his sister in there to find out what she would do to him. well when he put her in it she was gone there wasn't a site of her any were to be find. He look around for awhile" every funny Molly you can come out now," he said but there wasn't anyone there but him now. main while in 1893 Molly woke up finding she wasn't with her bother any more she scream so loud the maids came running into her room.One of them just look at her oddly if she didn't know what to do but the other one came up to her" is every thing all right my lady?," she ask with a smile on her face. Molly look at them for awhile wondering were she was. She got up looking around not saying a word because she didn't know what was going on at that time.
One of the maids help her get dress Molly was not sure if she was dreaming or someone was playing a joke on her. When she was all dress the maids went out of her room then the King and Queen came into her room" Oh Ella you look so pretty in that dress," said the Queen. Molly look at her odd " Ella I'm not Ella I have no clue who you talking about," she said then turn around to look in the mirror to find out she wasn't herself any more.She ran out of the room as fast as her feet can take her" were and who am I this can't be happening to me,?" she ask looking around the place. The Queen ran after her putting her hand on her Daughter's shoulder" no what on earth going on are you all right my dear?," she ask looking into her blue eyes.Molly stop and looking into the Queen's eyes now" Ma'am I not who you think I am right now I not know who I am," she said said with a frown on her face. The Queen smiled at her" You are my Daughter Ella Lorain level Princess of Northerà," she told her with her hand on her back. They walk thew the halls for awhile then Molly stop" You mean I'm a Princess," she said with wide eyes she wasn't dreaming this is real if it wasn't she be awake by now.Molly and the Queen went to the thrown Room Sitting and talking about the ball coming. Molly the other hand was not saying any thing she was still not sure what to believe any more.
After they talk the King walk in looking at them both with a smile on his face" now look at my wonderful girls how you two doing now," he said walking up to them. Molly look at him with a weak smile she didn't know what to say at first" I'm doing all right father don't worry about me," she told him walking off to the court yeard. She sat down under a tree looking around she was a process and there was a ball just for her.She close her eyes for awhile then she heard a vice coming up to her" Oh ella there you are I was looking every were for you," the voice told her. She look up to see a young men was walking up to her. She got up ask smiled at the young men" and you are?," she ask looking at him wit her blue eyes shining in the sun light.The young men came closer to her and healed her hand" yes you know me every well I'm well your," he said then stop looking around making sure the King and Qeeen didn't hear them talk.
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Molly look at him odd she didn't even know if she knew him or not but she didn't care right now. She smiled at the Young men who was holding her hand" yes what is it?," she ask looking up then back down at her feet.The young men smiled back at her and laugh" I'm you feonceà or you knew that and you didn't want anyone to hear?," he said putting his hand on her back.
" Molly sighed and took his hand" Oh you know me every well I just acting my dear," she said lieing throw her teeth she had no clue who he was. He smiled and nodded" oh That was prorfit I even believed you," he said walking to the lake. Molly look down still wondering her she got there in the first place.
Molly stop daydreaming she just smiled at the young men.
He laugh" Are you all right dear,?" he ask holding her hand he took her the other side on the court yard.
Molly Nodded" yes I'm just thinking that is all," she said holding his hand tight.
She felt safe with him not like with any guy she ever meat before her Ocean blue eyes shine when she smiled.He laugh and sat down on a bench" All right what is Ella please tell me," he said now having a weak smile on his face. Molly rolled her eyes" I just thinking about the ball," she said with wide eyes.Edward smiled" and I know you be beautiful in your bight blue dress," he said brushing her cheek from back of his hand.