Golden Train to Narnia

Gentle Voice

Active member
Ok this about some teen who gose to Narnia on this train I hope you like it.


I was at the train to go to my new college I couldn't wait to go I was about to fall fast asleep when I heard a sound not for away. I open my eyes and train to look at my friend who was a sleep by now then train was there right in front of me it look so real it was made of gold and red words I couldn't tell what it said. I got on like I all ways do looking around when I not post to do but I did anyway.Then a young girl about my age came to get the ticket I look at her all odd you see I wasn't post to be on this train right then I saw in my hand a red ticket just like the train but with gold letters on it. I look at the girl for awhile or two I didn't know were this ticket came from the only ticket I had in my hand was the one for England. She took it and told me were to sit I just follow her not knowing were I was going. She pointed to the right box seat and I walk in and took my seat it look like I was the only one on here. I look out of the window and I saw we where moving in my mind was wondering were on earth is this train taking me? I close my eyes again and this time I was fast asleep. Hours later we like stop of cruse I was still fast asleep but I could hear the young girl talking to someone. but I didn't hear what she was saying I finely woke up looking out of the window it look like we where some were but I didn't have a clue were tho. the girl told me this was my stop and still look at her the look when I first got on this train. But I just kept quiet and followed her out of the train. When I got off it look like another train station but it didn't look the ones I never seen before it had an gold and silver lining and wow the window was different colors with an lion in the middle and sat down looking around . there wasn't anyone around but me again I took a big breath and told my self it well be all right it just a really cool dream I never wait to wake up from. I was still in the same spot I was before I never did move because I didn't know were I was at the first place I was kind of scared and the same time I really didn't care I just watch the sun set. Wondering if I'm the only one there or was there more people I didn't know if I just sat there watching the sun goes down it look like someone drew it. There was flowers blowing trees and everything I didn't want to leave this place but first I had to know were I was.
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21,593 posts?? "Gentle Voice" must be a newly-assumed member-name. Who have you been for most of the time it took to write so many posts?

As for what you write here, I like the train idea. Many pre-Harry-Potter fantasy writers have been strongly reluctant to make anything as modern as a railway train part of a _supernatural_ plotline--as if, supposing magic works at all, it would only work in an environment of castles and horse-drawn carts and oar-driven ships. Now that you've begun, I hope you give yourself a free hand in expanding on the idea. For instance, in a parallel to the existence of stations on a railway line, perhaps this train could pass through the Wood Between the Worlds, knowing exactly which pond to stop near for an entry to Narnia.
I haven't read any Harry Potter book and I'll get there don't you wrong Copper and you know my as let me think I think The Good Twin.


While I was seating a boy came out of the train but he was there before was he? I look at him for awhile then came up to him and smiled kindly. He smiled back then bow" Why Hello there and weho may you be?," The young boy ask I just giggled then look up." I am Hannah White glad to meet you," I said still abit confuse. The boy smiled the sat next to me " I am Brandon do you know where we are?," He ask I just look up and didn't say a word at first then back at him. I was wondering the same thing but then the young girl told us we most go now. Bradon and I got and walk over to the tain we both look at each other then walk into the train. I took my seat by the window like I did before he seat the other side with his arms cros I could till that he was broed or confuse as I was. I look out of the window closing my eyes for awhile or so.
Good Twin! I remember you now!

I was not urging you TO read the Harry Potter books, just noting the fact that they involve some modern things in the story. Certain things that J.K. Rowling has said in public indicate for me that all the hopeful talk about her supposedly being a Christian was only forlorn wishful thinking; so I would rank plenty of other authors above her in priority to read. For instance, have you ever read Richard Adams' "Watership Down"?

But pardon my digression. Keep writing.
OK Hold sis I well.

Hours late the train stop and I didn't care to look this time I was use to it by now. Brandon was reading his book and Emily was looking out of the window. We heard the girl tell someone to go were we where I Look out of the car box to see who it was this time it was another boy he had short blond her and green blue eyes he was about 6'3 and the age of 19. He took a seat next to mine I look at him for awhile then smiled he look at me then did the same. He told me his name was Micah my eyes got wide and then giggled he just look at me the same way I gave to the girl. I pointed to the boy with the book then he notes it was his young brother Brandon. Now he was looking up to him then to his older brother he rolled his eyes and went book back to his book. I cross my arm and sighed I wasn't get into there bustion so I butt out. Emily look at me with a tired look on her face I smiled and told her take a nape she nodded and close her eyes. I did the same placeing my head on her shouder Micah was now writing in his note book about something no one knows. Days went by and we still didn't have a clue were we where going then the girl pop her head in and smiled she told us we have only one more stop to make then we well be there about an hour or so. We all was wondering the same thing is we ever getting off this train or not.
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When we stop the girl told all of us to stay right was we where.
I sighed then look up at Brandon with a half smile on my face He started to laugh. Emily was still fast asleep and well Micah he was writing something in his little note book he has been writing in there for days or so. I got up to see were the girl went to. I look around the box car and there wasn't no sound of her anywhere. Brandon look at me again shaking his head I just rolled my eyes at him. Hours later the girl came back with something in her hands she told us to make sure that we keep them close to us no matter what. We all where a little confuse about this what on earth is she talking about.Then the girl was gone like that thing getting a little scary around here but I didn't mind one bit no not me.
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Well now hours went by we were get tired of sitting down in one stop. I got up to look around the train Brandon went with me we healed hand some we both don't get lost. I was not letting anything get in my way. Finely the train stop and it got all dark Brandon and I still looking around the train we didn't mind the dark. Well when we got back to a box car everyone was gone I look at Brandon for awhile a little confuse about all of this. Then the girl showed up out of no were telling us that we can get off the train. We both where glad. When we did we were somewhere that we never been before. I let go of Brand's hand starts to get worry ed at first then something or someone came out of the woods. At first I didn't know who or what it was then I saw its face you well never guess who it was.
When I got closer to the thing it was Mr. Tumnus he had the same red scarf on when Lucy meet him. I was not sure how this happen it most be a dream or someone is playing a trick on us yes that is it a trick.He came up to us and bowed I just smiled still not sure what to do then Brandon started to laugh he. Mr.Tumnus look at us with a smile and ask us if we where the daughter of eve and the son of Adam. We nodded I just look at him it looks like my stories I have been writing about but I haven't told any of my friends about it I don't think. Then I saw the castle my eyes got wide it was the same castle that Lucy, Susan, Edmund and Peter use to live in. If this was her story that means they think she was someone else. I jump Micah just look at me oddly for awhile then Emily came up walking in circles around him.
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I Look at my watch then sighed I didn't what or how we got here but do I care no I deam to dead and live here for the reast of my life. Maybe we well never leave that be so cool but well I miss my family if I stay here? I look at the others with a frown on my face it worries me if we never go home.I walk up to the tall lapost and put my hand on it thinking about things. Did the Train take us here for a reson or what?