

New member
Have ya ever noticed all the groups at school??? Well..I have and here you HAVE to stay with them but people sneak t be around their REAL friends...

Name: Serria Nola
Age: 14

Group: Nerds
Bio: She i9s a quiet shy girl but can be loud and crazy.....She wears really good chothes and has glasses only when she has to see the homework on the board
Name: Alana Berg
Age: 16
Looks: Light brown hair with blonde streaks, 5'5", hazel eyes, rather skinny
Bio: Is rich and popular, smart and energetic. Is a Christian but sometimes hides it from her friends.
Group: Populars
ooc: I guess we can start

Seiraa walked into the school wearing a blue tank top with a mini skirt...She looked for her locker and rummged through it to find her book
ooc: ahh!!! everybody's popular!!! except me...

ic: Dani pried her locker open, chipping the black nail polish she'd haphazardly painted on this morning. A strand of brown hair fell out of her mess of a side ponytail and into her eyes. She furiously pushed it out of the way and picked up the few papers that had fallen out of her jammed locker.
Looks:Blue eyes, Brown Straight Hair, skinny, always wares blue.
BIO: raised as a singing and acting child, not rich but not poor. Kind, Shy and doesn't like to sing aloud unless she has to.
Group: Drama/ singing
ooc: ahh!!! everybody's popular!!! except me...

ic: Dani pried her locker open, chipping the black nail polish she'd haphazardly painted on this morning. A strand of brown hair fell out of her mess of a side ponytail and into her eyes. She furiously pushed it out of the way and picked up the few papers that had fallen out of her jammed locker.

ooc: I"M NOT

ic: Sierra walked passed and helped pick up the fallen items...
i forgot about this one let me post my profile

name- Jessica Wellington
age- 17
bio - absolutely gourgeous incredibly rich and a amazing wardrobe oh and did i mention most popular girl in school. yup jessica wellington has it made she lives in a ginormous stone mansion with her parents and her cute little yorkshire terrier lilly. jessica always gets good grades and does it in style. shes whitty and can insult you to tears but thats only to the people that she dousint like to her friends in the popular clique shes known as completely fabulous. jessica is the girl that the girls wish they were and who the guys wish they could date
Alana strutted down the halls wearing an aqua halter top and a denim miniskirt, with chunky expensive blue sandals and her hair tied in a high ponytail.
Alana opened her locker wear she had a mirror that had a Bible verse under it. She applied lip gloss as she read the verse. But as she saw Jessica she quickly slammed the locker door and leaned against it, humming a song.