<Halloween Quiz>


New member
Here is the quiz:

1)What are you going to be for Halloween?

2)What are you going to do for Halloween?

3)Do you think you'll have fun on Halloween?

4)Halloween is based on Scary stuff etc. are you scared of anything(like haunted houses,Scary popup things at houses,scary costumes,etc.)?
1)something medieval or gothic or gothic medieval

2)probably go to my friend's par-tay or if she invites me to go trick-or-treating with her i will do that


4)erm not really i mean yeah things that pop up out of nowhere surprise me but i'm not really scared of any of that stuff
Here's mine:

1)Maybe I'll be a cat or a sweetheart bat or a gothic cheerleader

2)Maybe go to a Halloween Party or go trick or treating


4)I'll jump out of suprise
SweetieGirl said:
Here is the quiz:

1)What are you going to be for Halloween?

2)What are you going to do for Halloween?

3)Do you think you'll have fun on Halloween?

4)Halloween is based on Scary stuff etc. are you scared of anything(like haunted houses,Scary popup things at houses,scary costumes,etc.)?


2) BE SCARY OoOoOo LOL: watch scary movies, look at people's costumes, look at houses (not get candy cause I'm afraid now: I eat candy yes, but not from outside, candy my mom gives me), mm watch the news to see Halloween "accidents" JK JK. Go watch my friend go trick or treating, and I'm gonna go to that crazy ladies house and go make a "wish" by rubbing a witch doll (she made the doll herself and it is UGLY but I see that lady every year she is so cool)

3) DUH I have fun every Halloween (I ain't with Satan though ppl) lol

4) I am scared while I am alone the grim reaper will come and give me a little "gift" or "visit" lol NO I know it is all fake. But what if one time something Satanish actually happened..? That's one thing I fear: Satan

I don't know really that much that I will do...but everybody thinks I am a goth!!! I just like Halloween! But sometimes I get a bit "dark"...lol what I have some things happen to me! Lol
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1)unknown...hopefully a demon/posessed clown

2)hopefully scare little kids when they come to get candy


4)PEOPLE WITH KNIVES!!!*hyperventalates*
(actually I'm scared of people with knives 24/7)... :D
4)PEOPLE WITH KNIVES!!!*hyperventalates*
(actually I'm scared of people with knives 24/7)...

WhAt If YoU aRe ThE pErSoN wItH tEh KnIfE lol ThEn BoTh Me AnD yOu wIlL bE aFrAiD oF yOu :D. Do not worry I am just a crazy girl :D not trying to be mean :)
1)What are you going to be for Halloween? Nothing

2)What are you going to do for Halloween? Come on TDL forums and have a normal day

3)Do you think you'll have fun on Halloween? Nope...don't even know when it is!

4)Halloween is based on Scary stuff etc. are you scared of anything(like haunted houses,Scary popup things at houses,scary costumes,etc.)? Nope.

1) A pirate w/ Daphenilia
2) Help w/ something 4 little kids at my church and go 2 a youth Partay and trick-or-treat (i only do it 4 the candy...muwahahahaha)
3) i hope
4) this 1 house that well...long story
1)What are you going to be for Halloween? -Nothing,I'm scary even without my witch hat ;)

2)What are you going to do for Halloween? - Celebrate Halloween in my own special way :rolleyes:

3)Do you think you'll have fun on Halloween? - Yes!

4)Halloween is based on Scary stuff etc. are you scared of anything(like haunted houses,Scary popup things at houses,scary costumes,etc.)?
- Uhm...haunted houses maybe.
SweetieGirl said:
Here is the quiz:

1)What are you going to be for Halloween?

2)What are you going to do for Halloween?

3)Do you think you'll have fun on Halloween?

4)Halloween is based on Scary stuff etc. are you scared of anything(like haunted houses,Scary popup things at houses,scary costumes,etc.)?

1. Nothing but myself

2. Go out to eat with family and pray

3. Maybe

4. No I'm not afraid of anything like that.

I don't celebrate Hallloween, becasue I'm christian and it has a lot of Satanic symbols and truth to it. infact it is an pagan holiday. Anyways I don't celebrate it.