Has anyone seen the 1967 version?

God this was before I was born. I don't remember this one, but there IS another animated version that I saw about twenty years ago, maybe even before that. It wasn't BBC. Now I can't remember anything except that the animation of course was very simplistic. I doubt anyone else here remembers this older animated version either.
Seen it. Hate it. The 2005 version is mmmmmmmmmmmuuuuuuuuucccccchhhh better than that low-budget movie. I like how they set some things up, but overall, on a scale of one to one hundred, I'd give it a 2.
The later animated version by Melendez was superb. Look at the greatest of the resurrection scenes ever filmed...


Be SURE to take the 1.5 meg mp3 and listen to it as you watch the pictures. That is very important.

John B.
aslan_fan said:
Seen it. Hate it. The 2005 version is mmmmmmmmmmmuuuuuuuuucccccchhhh better than that low-budget movie. I like how they set some things up, but overall, on a scale of one to one hundred, I'd give it a 2.

No way NO WAY BBC ones are better than 2005 as they are more true to the book and the acting is better. A true Narnia fan though will like all of them. I do but I promote the BBC one because that is my fave.

Anyway I bet in 50 years time they'll do another CON and then they'll say the 2005 one was rubbish. Which ones the 1967 version? I wanna see it now.
If the 1967 one is the animated one with Edmund with glasses then I have seen it and I like that too. I like all the versions of Narnia but BBC is best.

Rank order for me is BBC, animated and 2005
Availability of 1967 version

I have the 1979 animated version. I have the BBC adaptations. Of course, I have the movie. But where can you find the 1967 version?
timbalionguy said:
I have the 1979 animated version. I have the BBC adaptations. Of course, I have the movie. But where can you find the 1967 version?

Which animated version is which? I can't tell well I've obviously not seen one of them so I would like to see the one I haven't seen.