Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix...in HBP as well?


New member
Maybe I shouldn't make a new thread about this,and people are gonna think so who cares,but I was just wondering since she's pregnant. *Gasp* and I think she did well in OotP.
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She's giving birth in December and filming is scheduled to start in September (according to IMDB).I don't think there will be any problem if they shoot the scenes with her last.
Ahh thats a problem, indeed.

Pregnancy takes more than that, she will need recovering, it can take months, it depends, and then, taking care of the new born baby, it´s not a matter of giving birth and OK, let´s go to work now.

What an easy way to see pregnancy XD
Perhaps she can do it, but first she needs time.

And a fat Bellatrix, before giving birth, not a good idea. You got to be very strong to work being pregnant XD
I dont think it´s that easy, but anyway.
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I´ve heard that Helen McCrory might take over as Bellatrix, but I hope it´s not true.

What? NO! *cries*
They had planned to give the part to Helen from the beginning but then SHE got pregnant and Helena was chosen instead.And now HELENA is pregnant! Gosh,what's happening? ´There must be a curse or something over the part of Bellatrix Lestrange :D
*Prays that Helena still will be able to play Bella because she's an awesome actress and I have no idea who Helen McCrory is*
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LOL, that's weird...I hope Helena stays, though. She was absolutely terrifying as Bellatrix.

Isn't it? :eek: I hope she stays too.It didn't feel like she was PLAYING Bellatrix,she WAS Bellatrix.I can't imagine anyone else playing the part now.
But yet,I wouldn't want her to push herself too hard either.Having a baby isn't such an easy thing.
I thought she was really amazing, and that she should definitely carry on

it tkaes about 6 monhts to a year to film a film?
so lets say it wil be finished by May/June
and she will have been finiishesd (with all her baby stuff) by April
which leaves about a month to film all of her scenes?

I thought she was really amazing, and that she should definitely carry on

it tkaes about 6 monhts to a year to film a film?
so lets say it wil be finished by May/June
and she will have been finiishesd (with all her baby stuff) by April
which leaves about a month to film all of her scenes?


Hmm..she doesn't have that many scenes..so maybe..?
It kind of reminds you of the "Emma Watson leaving as Hermione" thing, doesn't it? Like she might be doing it, she might not, but everyone wants her to stay...Let's hope it turns out the same way with Helena!
But I heard somewhere actually, that she did sign a contract to be Bellatrix. I'm not sure if I remember where, though...
But if Bellatrix only has the one scene in the beginning...? That's all she does have, right? (Haven't read HBP since May...being forced to read horribly dreadful plot-less books from the '40s for school...summer ending...brain...dying...*falls dead* ack)
I remember Bellatrix only appears a few times so I guess a month wouldn't be so hard! She has a big role DH though, so She would be done by then. XD
It kind of reminds you of the "Emma Watson leaving as Hermione" thing, doesn't it? Like she might be doing it, she might not, but everyone wants her to stay...Let's hope it turns out the same way with Helena!
But I heard somewhere actually, that she did sign a contract to be Bellatrix. I'm not sure if I remember where, though...
But if Bellatrix only has the one scene in the beginning...? That's all she does have, right? (Haven't read HBP since May...being forced to read horribly dreadful plot-less books from the '40s for school...summer ending...brain...dying...*falls dead* ack)

Yeah it really does! But Emma stayed after all..
I think that scene in the beginning all she has in HBP,if she didn't join the fight at Hogwarts (when the Death Eaters invaded and Dumbledore died) as well..I'm not sure if Bellatrix is mentioned there..but I haven't read the book in ages.
true. and, I hate to say this, but, knowing the way these films get made, can we REALLY TRULY say that Bellatrix's scene from the beginning won't get cut anyways? I know, it's VERY important to the whole Snape plot and to show that Malfoy's up to something, but the director can probably find a way around that particular scene to convey the same thing. I think it would horrible to cut it, but at the same time I can't think of a solid enough reason that it really needs to stay, not after how they've butchered so many other scenes in the other movies.
she's going to be back!!!!!!!!! - just posted on mugglenet.com

mugglenet.com said:
Helena Bonham Carter Back For Half-Blood Prince
Helena Bonham Carter, the actress who portrays Bellatrix Lestrange in the Potter films will be back for the upcoming, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince according to an article today from The Independant. Although filming for the next movie begins in just two months' time, in a statement issued yesterday Helena's publicist said she was not due back on set to film her scenes until Spring 2008.

The actress is currently pregnant with her second child, which could explain the delay in filming her part.
score!!!! 10thingy