
hmm... what image is it, and where did you get it?

is it like this:

or this?

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Um Im not sure were its from but its two diferant pictures and its a slide.It goes from the picture I have now to words that say 'your doing what with my hair for the next movie?'
The web site.I think let me check.;)I found it at under avatars,anamated avatars.Its on theeee um first row I think.But then I shrunk it because it was 100by100.Could that have hurt it?
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YES YES YES I would THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!I'm not very good at this web thing yet:eek: .*bats eyelashes* Do you think you could help with one more thing*bat bat bat*?
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That was weird.I saw your message then sent a reply.The computer said I sent it befor you then I deleted it then yours was after it.Isn't that wierd?I forgot what I was going to ask you.
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That was weird.I saw your message then sent a reply.The computer said I sent it befor you then I deleted it then yours was after it.Isn't that wierd?I forgot what I was going to ask you.
yeah, it mighta been because i accidently deleted the post, then had to type it up again? anyway, sorry about that! :eek:

so, what was the other thing you wanted me to do?
kween_graceful said:
It wont let me upload it because its anamated.

try using my URL, or did you already?