How did you discover Narnia?

For me it started when my mom found the animated version one day for me. Later on I read LWW in 4th grade and soon enough read the whole series and bought the BBC series.

I even at one point, owned a Spanish comic book of LWW, which unfortunately got lost. Tell me how you got into Narnia and if you ever saw that Spanish comic book.
I read everything as a kid. These crossed my library list at some point when I was little.

I never saw a comic book at all, let alone a Spanish one!

Welcome, Marlow. I never saw you post before.
I read the books at a very early age. I cant remember when I first saw the BBC versions, but we recorded em between when I was 0 to 2 years old. So basically, seen all my life!
I grew up on the books. My dad would read them to me, and then I started reading them on my own. It wasn't until later did I see the BBC movies which I loved when I was little.
I was introduced to Narnia when my 4th grade teacher (many years ago) read LWW. She would read it to us during "story" time. I vividly remember sitting there completely lost in the story. I would imagine myself as one of the kids going into Narnia. Ah that brings back such fond memories. Makes me get goosebumps thinking about it!

A few years later I got the books myself and read all of them. And although a few years went by before I picked them up and read them again....I still attribute LWW and C.S. Lewis for beginning my love of reading and of books. It was just a few years ago that I realized there were movies (BBC version.) I still haven't seen all of those, of course I own the LWW one though. :)
Alright, here is the story...

As a kid, I was a lazy reader. In other words, I refused to read books. Period. My mom to motivate me, decided to let me watch Narnia BBC version to get me interested in reading. 3 problems. 1) I was three, the likelyhood I could read the word wardrobe was very small. 2) The beginning of the movie was boring. 3) The end of the movie scared the bajeebees out of me. Well, the fight of Narnia was over...or was it? DUM DUM DUM

Last year, my brother was forced to read LWW in class for book report. Now, he read it, and said it was a good book. So I was as interested as a doorknob. I was reminded of Narnia, but did not care.

As all students must do, I had to write the dreaded exams. I was bored studying. I was tired. I didn't want to do it. And it was my first set of exams, so I did not figure out that they were hard. So, I decided to sneakingly (is that a word?) read a book. Now, I finished all the books I wanted to read (a total of 6 books. five of them started with an H and rhymed with arry Potter.) so I saw the box set of Narnia my mom bought, and decided, what the heck mid as well read them...

And now, I'm addicted, and here I am posting like a maniac! :D
My dad read books to us as 'bedtime stories', I guess you could call them. One chapter of the Bible, then "one" chapter of a book of our choosing (unless it was mom's turn, then it was a matter of how quickly we could finish and return to our favorites (yes I realize I didn't use a 'u' in spelling favorite, other side of the pond ppl)).

Anywho, my dad started The Chronicles of Narnia, then Lord of the Rings. We kept him reading maybe 2-3 hours some nights to us.

That's how I found Narnia and Middle Earth.

I have since read each series probably twice through again if not more

thanks to dad, CSL, and JRRT
Hey all!
I am new at this so if this looks stupid so sorry.
I got started by watching the LWW, PC, and VotDT that my parents had. I loved those movies. I started to read it once when I was 10 or 11 but that was when I hated reading. But now I love reading and I just finished reading the series. I so can't wait for the new movie to come out.
Welcome, One Faun! I didn't see you post before. Glad to have you here. Be sure to check out all the other threads and give us you insight.

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