My grandparents got me a collector's edition of The Magician's Nephew right around the time LWW came out in when I finished the book I thought I might go see the movie and I was hooked.
My uncle introduced our family to the Chronicles when I was very young. This was over 40 years ago! I eagerly read all the books through my growing up years, and still do.
I honestly don't remember for seems like I've read them forever. lol I think I was at the library one day checking out Harry Potter books, and the librarian suggested I check out Narnia...I did, luckily, and here I am! I know that was close to 10 years ago, and I've been hooked on them ever since!
Back in 1979 or 1980 when the cartoon was on TV I first saw LWW. And I saw it again in 1982 but never read the books. Then my friend told me the movie was going to be released in 2005 and I went to see it, liked it and bought the complete collection of CoN books and finished reading them all within one week and a half. I like it but am not hooked