how did you find narnia?


New member
if you stumbeled upon it at a store or your parents read it to you when you were little how ever you found it tell us
My cousin believe it or not...

He saw LWW with his school and told me it was so I tried it. could guess the
My grandparents got me a collector's edition of The Magician's Nephew right around the time LWW came out in when I finished the book I thought I might go see the movie and I was hooked. ;)
My uncle introduced our family to the Chronicles when I was very young. This was over 40 years ago! I eagerly read all the books through my growing up years, and still do.
I honestly don't remember for seems like I've read them forever. lol I think I was at the library one day checking out Harry Potter books, and the librarian suggested I check out Narnia...I did, luckily, and here I am! :D I know that was close to 10 years ago, and I've been hooked on them ever since! :)
Back in 1979 or 1980 when the cartoon was on TV I first saw LWW. And I saw it again in 1982 but never read the books. Then my friend told me the movie was going to be released in 2005 and I went to see it, liked it and bought the complete collection of CoN books and finished reading them all within one week and a half. I like it but am not hooked :D