How important are fantasy book covers?


New member
Hi everyone,

I’m very happy to say that I’ve just had my debut novel published and would love to swap thoughts and opinions on what makes a compelling read. With this in mind, what do you think attracts a potential reader? Would it be the front cover like mine below or is it more likely to be on the strength of the synopsis? Just how important is the cover art and what really determines our decision to invest the time to actually sit down and read a book? As a new author, I feel these questions are very important, so any insights you can give will be greatly appreciated.

I think that a book cover can do much in attracting people:) because if they saw the cover they will know the story from within, example you can't use a ghost in a cover of a book of a love story,right?:D But be sure that the cover is great so that many people will really be attracted in the book. and the title must be very original. But on the other side of mine still the title is the one that can attract people and you know some people say that never judge a book by its cover;) By the way, Congratulations for the debut novel you published I'm so proud of you because I know how you feel, I wanna be a writer too someday. So Congratulations again and keep up the goodwork and GodBless and GoodLuck, if you need a help from anyone just go here to TDL and we'll be willing to help you, and sorry if my explanation up there is confusing, I was just starting to write my own novels. So Congrats again:)
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Name and Cover attract me. First I see the name, if the name seems at all interesting I pick it up and look at the cover. I like covers that don't have a lot of pictures on them. Maybe just one article from the book that makes me say 'Oh, what's that got to do with the story?' Then I flip the book over and read the back. If the back seems like its any good I put it on my 'To Read' list. And wait till I can buy it or borrow it.
Hi everyone,

I’m very happy to say that I’ve just had my debut novel published and would love to swap thoughts and opinions on what makes a compelling read. With this in mind, what do you think attracts a potential reader? Would it be the front cover like mine below or is it more likely to be on the strength of the synopsis? Just how important is the cover art and what really determines our decision to invest the time to actually sit down and read a book? As a new author, I feel these questions are very important, so any insights you can give will be greatly appreciated.

To answer the questions....for me,I read a lot of books,and while a title or cover may interest me,I would only read the book..and keep reading it for summary. I'd much rather read a book with a great sounding plot on the back cover,than a good front cover. I pick my books by the kind they are (fantasy,historical fiction,ect.,not title or cover.)Then,I read the summary and if that sounds interesting,I read the book.:)
How did you get published,please?I love to write,and hav elaways wondered how people get their first book published.

Thanks to everyone who has replied. I really appreciate it.

Personally I agree that the synopsis is the most important thing, but a good cover may encourage someone to pick up the book in the first place. If anyone gets a chance to check out my synopsis (you can find it on Amazon) I would be very interested to hear your opinions on it.

Thanks again!
I liked it.

When I'm at the library I usually look at titles and covers before I read the summary. It's the cover that catches my eye.
I'd think a book cover does make someone pick up a book because a while back ago i read a book by Elizabeth Hawkings, it was for a book report, and actually...when i was looking for a book i saw a rescue boat...(in the ocean), in a storm with a bunch of kids in it! and i thought that looked interesting. Also i think when you read the short summary at the back, it also tells what that is going to be about, so it really interested me, about the plot. So yes, i think that the Cover is a big importants to make a reader pick up the book.

(p.s. i like the cover of you book)
For me, I think title is most important. For people just looking, they are going to read the titles on the spines of the books. Sometimes, a different looking script on the spine title will help.

After that, I think the cover and summary at on the back are about equal. Most people won't put something back just because it doesn't have a good picture. The blurb is where they are going to find out what the book is about.

Congrats! Look for a private message from me soon.
