How many?


New member
How many posts does it take to become a senior Member? Because i have been posting for a bout a hour and am running out of threads to post on!
ha ha, i'm glad you are excited about being a senior member. So keep posting quality post.

well this is my first post!! so i could be taking a while to catch up!
Lol, I remember when I was a frequent poster here, and there were members posting as often as they possibly could, quick replies- one word here & there, so they could beat eachother's post-counts. Ah, that was amusing. (*
Do NOT take any ideas from her! She is from the old days, of only 100 members and only 2 Duffers, so she may be slightly crazy :D

Welcome back! I remember the post races. I came right at the end of it, but it was still in full force. BC won (who else do you expect? :D)
holyboy666 said:
Do NOT take any ideas from her! She is from the old days, of only 100 members and only 2 Duffers, so she may be slightly crazy :D

Welcome back! I remember the post races. I came right at the end of it, but it was still in full force. BC won (who else do you expect? :D)
And now you have almost 2000 posts :rolleyes: ! ;)
yeah i have liek 50 more psot to go ^^; to become just glad im not classified as a n00b anymores :D
InstantRamen said:
yeah i have liek 50 more psot to go ^^; to become just glad im not classified as a n00b anymores :D

Hehe I still consider you a n00b kratty L33T!! heeh yeah I post like 100 each day or something...well each time I log on anyway. ^_^ cuz I was 'absent' at sleepovers for 2 days

30 - 99 MEMBER

All other titles are offices, not post counts. How do I know? Well, I kept looking at the copyright notice on the welcome page and it gave me the brand of forum software. I downloaded the user's manual and discovered why these things exist:

Reputation - Nobody seems to have one, so why did the admin bother to put it there? Because it's there in the software. Nobody uses it but it won't die and go away so we'll all go through life as an "Unknown Quantity." Sheesh!

Public Groups - In your public profile you are a member of NO PUBLIC GROUPS. Why? Because there aren't any. But the software insists on reminding you you aren't a member of any non-existant groups. Personally I'm glad not to be a member of a non-exsistant group, it makes up for being an Unknown Quantity.

Titles - Our default titles are just that, defaults. If the admins had a twisted sense of humor we could be divided into Peons, Hopefuls and Beings of Light. Or whatever else they thought of. That could be an interesting thread in itself. Unworthy, Worthy, Eminent.... Sophamores, Juniors, Seniors, etc etc.

Just so you know how hard they worked, the manual is about 300 pages long. Frankly I don't know how they did it. I even balk at doing that much work for a salary, and they did it with all original artwork.
holy666 said:
Do NOT take any ideas from her! She is from the old days, of only 100 members and only 2 Duffers, so she may be slightly crazy

Out of interest, how many members were there before the new film was released? Not that I'm any different, as I only recently had my interest in Narnia reignited by receiving a new boxed set of the books for christmas, having lost most of my old ones (which hopefully are still in the attic somewhere).

Looking at my post count (erm...about 20 posts per average at the moment, which is a little embarassing :eek: ), I'm also no different from the rapid posters in this thread...but in my defence, I'm looking for excuses to avoid my thesis, and do at least post more than a sentence! When my girlfriend gets back from visiting her parents, I'm predicting my post rate is going to drop significantly... :p

By the way, holyboy666, thats an entertaining username - intentional choice of number? ;)