How To Do The Ending of The Last Battle

jasmine tarkheena

Active member
I think we can all agree that The Last Battle will be a huge challenge to adapt to screen. It deals so much about life and death, manipulation, loyalty.

Now some may wonder how can a movie or series do the ending? It's kind of tricky, especially when it deals with multiple climaxes. There was a lot of fuss that the last few scenes in Return of the King kept fading in and out. Would the last scenes in The Last Battle do that? I don't know.

Any of the last few scenes in The Last Battle could be cut out or even cut short. Well, given there would be no tension that needs to be resolved (then of course, they could make where the Seven Friends of Narnia being worried about being sent back to our world as ongoing tension).

So any ideas how they could do the ending of The Last Battle?