Hurt. (My poem)

*IOWW the Iasc*

Neglectful, but Alive
Knight of the Noble Order
I wrote this a couple months ago about my friend...I just wanted to see what you guys thought of it.

This pain I am aware of
But have never felt before
While she sits there
Balling her eyes out
Blaming herself for everything
I wish I knew how to help her
How to pick her up
How to wipe her tears away
How to take back all her pain
I truly wish that I could help
Reach out my hand
And help her out of this hole
But it’s not like that
I have no clue on this subject
Everything I’ve learned from her
The one who in her own eyes has failed
She doesn’t know how it happened
Or quite how it didn’t
She is only aware of the errors
And hides behind the everlasting look
Of utmost joy and contentment
I know she’s hiding
But I can not seek her
Cannot help in fear she will degrade me,
Hurt me…
She seemed to know everything
Which caused imposing fear
The fact that she could make me hurt
Hurt me…​
That is truly a wonderful poem :D *snap snap*
Did this friend of yours cause you pain or what?
*Is obsessed with Will* said:
Thank you. ^_^ It is probably the best one I will ever write in my LIFE so, I'm glad you like it. :D

thats really good lol... youll definitely write even better stuff. i know it. lol