"I Am" Poems

I am Spontaneous and curious
I wonder what death is like
I hear the phoenix sing
I see the portraits move
I want to feel the wand in my hand
I am spontaneous and curious

I pretend I am there
I feel the magic beneath my fingers
I touch the soft, white mane
I worry for others
I cry when I remember
I am spontaneous and curious

I understand pain
I say imagination is the ruler of all beliefs
I dream of him
I try to live life
I hope for the best
I am spontaneous and curious

To create YOUR "I AM" poem, go here.​
I am Mysterious and Curious
I wonder Ancient Rome, Mythology
I hear Cries
I see the Emperor's thumb turned down...
I want the Gladiator movie
I am Mysterious and Curious

I pretend I am not smart
I feel Strong hatrd
I touch Life
I worry I wont learn it all
I cry the death of Tango
I am Mysterious and Curious

I understand Poetry
I say Narnia
I dream getting into Narnia
I try to learn everything
I hope I can get what I want
I am Mysterious and Curious

mine is lame!
I am quiet and thoughtful
I wonder if Narnia is real
I hear the voice of Aslan
I see Shasta on the mountain pass
I want to be content with myself
I am quiet and thoughtful

I pretend to understand deep conversations
I feel chills up my spine
I touch Aslan's mane
I worry about being alone
I cry when Mothers die
I am quiet and thoughtful

I understand Jesus created me as myself
I say help me know who I am
I dream of voicing a cartoon character
I try to make people laugh
I hope to live a long and happy life
I am quiet and thoughtful​
mine is lame!
no it isn't! :)
I Am

I am quiet and mischevous
I wonder what others are thinking
I hear my calling to protect
I see the shadow of my shadow
I want to burn brightly
I am quiet and mischevous

I pretend to be a great leader
I feel the breath of wind calling me to danger
I touch the warm wolf's-hair
I worry about falling
I cry because my friends are crying
I am quiet and mischevous

I understand God's truth
I say I am a shadow
I dream of saving lives
I try to run as fast as a cheeta
I hope to ride the winds
I am quiet and mischevous

I kinda like mine...it doesn't ryme(sp?) though...
I Am

I am happy and adventurous
I wonder why people can be so malicious
I hear a different drummer
I see the coming summer
I want to change the world
I am happy and adventurous

I pretend that I am secret and silent
I feel that I am invincable
I touch the stars
I worry that those I love won't be there when I come back
I cry when others cry
I am happy and adventurous

I understand God's hand upholds me
I say I am not afraid of dying
I dream about flying
I try to find joy in the little things
I hope to ride on God's wings
I am happy and adventurous
here's mine

I Am

I am sharp and clear
I wonder
I hear a dragon roar
I see a pheonix fly
I want to love Jesus always
I am sharp and clear

I pretend I am a hero
I feel
I worry
I cry when you cry
I am sharp and clear

I understand love
I say my savior lives
I dream about being well known
I try to be calm
I hope for my prince charming
I am sharp and clear​
I am enthusiastic and helpful
I listen when you speak
I answer as long as I’m asked
I cry with you and laugh as well
I understand your joy and feel your pain
I am enthusiastic and helpful

I love the feel of sand in my toes
I love freshly fallen snow
I am an eternal optimist
I haven’t always been this way
I am enthusiastic and helpful

I know the way they see me
That’s because they don’t know me
I will help you no matter what
I’ll pray for you if you tell me how
I am enthusiastic and helpful

I think endlessly of stories
I tire not of imagining plots
I love music, it makes me fly
I wish I could run with the wind
I am enthusiastic and helpful

I laugh at things that are simple
I am called shallow because of it
I cry when I feel moved
I never try and hide it
I am enthusiastic and helpful

I find my identity in Christ
I know exactly who I am
I understand its hard being misunderstood
Tell me about it sometime
I am enthusiastic and helpful​
OOOh... mine came out kinda cool

I Am

I am beautiful and wanted
I wonder of life and love
I hear the heart calling
I see the rain falling
I want all of His heart
I am beautiful and wanted

I pretend to not care
I feel that He's always there
I touch the line between love and hate
I worry that it will be all too late
I cry when my heart is broken
I am beautiful and wanted

I understand that He will never let me go
I say that He will never stoop so low
I dream that He's holding me
I try to get free
I hope that He will never leave me
I am beautiful and wanted