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OK so i was talking to my best friend mrstumnus99 about the part when Peter tells the younger Pevensies to go home cuz he does not want them to die in battle.
She is the youngest in her family, I am not the oldest but i have 3 youger siblings.
She thinks its stupid that Peter does that cuz she thinks hes trying to act heroic!
I say thats exactly what i would have done, I would not want my younger siblings to die in a battle!

Whats your opinion?
I think that both the youngest and the Oldest of families will have different opinions!
I think Peter's actions were pretty realistic, I know I would do pretty much anything to stop my siblings getting hurt, and when I get seriously mad at people it's because they're being nasty to them. So I can believe that Peter would fight through an army full of evil creatures to stop them getting at his brothers or sisters, and feel very responsible if they did end up hurting them. But it also works the other way. I couldn't leave my older brother to take care of everything, and let him probably get hurt or even die, even if he told me it was for my own good. I couldn't abandon him and let him get hurt anymore than he could do it to me. That is, in the end, probably why they all ended up staying, he finally realized that fact. By the way, I am thirdborn out of seven siblings. I have an older brother and sister, so I do feel like Lucy sometimes.
It's easier to be heroic and sacrifice your self, putting everything out on the table, if you don't have the obligation to protect your younger siblings. If they are out of the way and safe. It makes everything much easier.

I'm the oldest, I have 3 younger siblings. (actually 2 brothers and 1 sister so kind of flip-flopped from Peter) But I would have tried to send my siblings back too. I think it comes from that same deal of I can critizice or say whatever i want about my family, but let some outsider try to say something negative and they are going to get their head bit off. I wouldn't have wanted to worry about my family getting hurt.

having said that, every member of my family would have been acting like Peter. (well, except my dad. he'd be like Susan at the river.)
abbyluvswilliam said:
OK so i was talking to my best friend mrstumnus99 about the part when Peter tells the younger Pevensies to go home cuz he does not want them to die in battle.
She is the youngest in her family, I am not the oldest but i have 3 youger siblings.
She thinks its stupid that Peter does that cuz she thinks hes trying to act heroic!
I say thats exactly what i would have done, I would not want my younger siblings to die in a battle!

Whats your opinion?
I think that both the youngest and the Oldest of families will have different opinions!

That's not really what I meant. I figured it out this morning. Peter was acting like Frodo. Frodo thought he could do it himself with out any help. He was trying to save his friends from the burden he carried but the fact is there was no way that Frodo could have gone to Mordor alone and actually put the ring in Mount Doom. He probablly wouldn't have even made it half-way.
You can't do everything alone. What were the younger Pevensies going to say to their mother when they went back to London? "Uhh peter died in battle in a magical land called Narnia that Lucy discovered in Professor Kirke's wardrobe in the spare room." No he needed them to help him. I can understand sending Lucy away because she was to young but Susan and edmund were old enough to help and when the battle got really bad sure he could have sent them away. But to tell them they need to go back even before the war started.....
Just because you are young doesn't mean you can't help change the world, even in the smallest of ways.
I don't think I'd want any members of my family to witness my death on the battlefield. Most people have a romanticised view of death in combat. People that die in battle don't look like they fell asleep. What's more, death is not always tidy or quick.

Trust me on this: You don't want to know the details. And you certainly wouldn't want your sister's last memories of you to be what you looked like before the guys in the back room cleaned you up and combed your hair. I'd want to be remembered as a living person that loved them and enjoyed life.
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I'm the youngest out of 5 children and I completely understand Peter. Although I am the youngest, my siblings always were asking me advice and I was always put into the leading role, which was very tough. But I agree with Peter. He was not acting like he was heroic (and you said, you didn't meant it that way) he was more acting out of love for his siblings. His heart would have broken if he saw his siblings die and he didn't want them to see him die either. So, he just tried to protect his brother and sisters and it is something like we all would do. I would have tried to get them out of the battlefield as much as possible.
I'm an only child and one of the youngest in my WHOLE family.
and I think that its more heoic to die by yourself than with other people..so, yes, I think Peter was trying to do the right thing/and be heroic.

Edmund's_Queen said:
I'm an only child and one of the youngest in my WHOLE family.
and I think that its more heoic to die by yourself than with other people..so, yes, I think Peter was trying to do the right thing/and be heroic.


Are you hiding? If you are, then, I FOUND YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with what has already been said

1) He wanted to protect his younger siblings
2) He made a promise to his mother to watch out for his siblings
My youngest brother and sister would leave when I asked, no question. lol.

As for me, I would make them leave so that they would be safe. I am the eldest, and it is my responsibility to try and make wise decisions. That's what Peter did. He tried. He tried to make sure they were safe.

Travis would have been stubborn just like Edmund. He would have stayed with me. :)
Being the oldest of my direct family, but second youngest cousin in my extended family, I can kind of understand both points. Peter didn't want them to get hurt, but the others thought he was unfair because they didn't want to leave and if they did, they didn't want to leave their brother behind, even if he didn't die. It's kind of like a mother's protection, and Peter meant the best, even if it was unfair and it didn't work.
I can understand Peter's orders, as well as his siblings refusing to leave. I'm the middle child, with an older brother and younger sister. I completly understand Peter when he tells them to go home. I'd do anything to make sure my sister and brother are safe. But if my brother told *me* to go home, it would be a different story. There's no way in the world I would leave.
See yeah that's my point! I'm the youngest but I'm 14 so I'd have a hard time leaving just because my older brother said so. And Susan and Edmund had every right to stay.
i think i would have said the same as peter i would not want my siblings to go and battle and die i would think of what's best for them