I have a BIG problem


New member
Well ny friends want my other friend to get with a guy. But its the guy I like too! She likes him too.....but hes single right now.....
Ouch... I'm sorry. That really sucks. Think about what's more important? Your friendship or some boy? Make a decision and stick with it.

Lots of Love,
Lady Chloe said:
Ouch... I'm sorry. That really sucks. Think about what's more important? Your friendship or some boy? Make a decision and stick with it.

Lots of Love,
good advice, lady chloe.
What I say.
Confront your friend, in a friendly way :) Bring the subject up in a convorsation. Girls like to do things secretly, and that can mess up a friendship. But yeah. I haven't had experiance in this.

And just one more thing, don't call me the "luv doctor" :) I actually suck at love. Ask Chelsea, Sofia, Kayla.
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TheMachinist said:
What I say.
Confront your friend, in a friendly way :) Bring the subject up in a convorsation. Girls like to do things secretly, and that can mess up a friendship. But yeah. I haven't had experiance in this.

And just one more thing, don't call me the "luv doctor" :) I actually suck at love.
hmm... arent you a guy? ;)