I really like this guy...

not to be mean, but if you're just in middle school you shouldn't even be thinking about having a boyfriend, you'll just get hurt, you should be hanging out with your friends, you can be friends with guys but at your age you realy dont want a boyfriend
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Well...a guy at my middle school...named Jeff Rattana(WHO'S TOTALLY HOT!!!)...well should i just start with a simple hi or ask my friends to tell him if he wants to get with me?

Talk and get to know him.Don't judge him on his looks cause he could be a real jerk.And check if he has a girlfriend.Don't seem all depserate either......
If you really like him, just say hi.. it doesn't kill to be just a friend at first. Chances are you'll get over him soon enough. ;)

How old are you anyway?

Shizuka_Rose said:
Talk and get to know him.Don't judge him on his looks cause he could be a real jerk.And check if he has a girlfriend.Don't seem all depserate either

yeah, my friend once liked this guy, and she was so obsessed with him, for like months... and then when she danced one dance with him she found out he was a jerk... but yeah...
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Yeah it's sad how girls go crazy over boys who don't even know they exist.

EDIT-Middle school is kind of young.But it's natural.
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I don't want to be rude either, but I agree with oxford_girl. Right now, you are still young, and the whole boy-girl relationship thing should wait a while.You'll get your chance in the future, but having a relationship at your age is not the smartest idea. I have seen way too many girls around your age and younger/older whose relationships went down the depths. Normally, dating while you are still in school never works. Most of those relationships never last. So I encourage you (since I couldn't make the choice for you) to patiently wait. Your time will come. You could still be friend with him though, but nothing more. :)
Yeah it's sad how girls go crazy over boys who don't even know they exist.

EDIT-Middle school is kind of young.But it's natural.

IMO, i think it's stupid. How girls go all ga-ga and drooly over some guy... and will do ANYTHING to get their attention...

but I'm into the whole "independent woman" thing, so.. :rolleyes:
OG has my support. Whoever this guy is, chances are he won't become your husband; no matter how hard or long you dream.

Be friends with guys; not romantically, just friends.

I'm 15 and don't have a boyfriend; and that's perfectly ok with me. I'm waiting for my own Knight in Shining Armor to come at God's perfectly appointed time.
I say make friends with him but don't get too attached I am going through a break up and this guy has been my friend for 3 years and I have to break it off with him and it hurts so I say be friends but don't get too attached!!
Trust Me Amy!!

Your Friend,
Emily :)