I wonder why shift...


Active member
I wonder why shift didnt get turned into a dumb and witless animal from our world while he was lying to the Narnians...he was being bad and aslan told the animals in MN if they were not good, they would turn back to dumb, witless animals. Just like Ginger turned back to one...Shift should have at like the very beginning when he was lying to the Narnians
That is a good point, TrueNarnian. I never thought about Shift being turned back into a speechless animal. Maybe Aslan didn't want him speechless because of the battle before the true Narnians got thrown into the stable.
If Shift was turned into a dumb and witless beast, then that wouldn't make for a very good story would it?

Apple_Of_Life29 said:
thats a really good thought...but maybe because shift was also being manipulated as well? i remember a part saying that he was also being used....idk :eek:
After a while the Calormenes and Ginger played on Shift's greed and power and manipulated him to do their will.
Tirian of Narnia said:
Maybe Aslan new that it was time for Narnia to end and he used Shift to do it.
Would Aslan really condem someone to Hell for something he could have done himself? That's not what the Aslan I know and love would do...
Jimmy Kickarse said:
Would Aslan really condem someone to Hell for something he could have done himself? That's not what the Aslan I know and love would do...

But Aslan gave every creature in Narnia the gift of life, isn't it Aslan's, or technically the emperor over the sea's right to decide what to do with their/his creation??
waterhogboy said:
But Aslan gave every creature in Narnia the gift of life, isn't it Aslan's, or technically the emperor over the sea's right to decide what to do with their/his creation??
I'm not saying He has no right to do it, but I'm saying that it's something He wouldn't do. But does he really have the right to condem someone to Hell just because he made that someone? Isn't that like saying builders can destroy a childrens hospital because they made it?
Jimmy Kickarse said:
I'm not saying He has no right to do it, but I'm saying that it's something He wouldn't do. But does he really have the right to condem someone to Hell just because he made that someone? Isn't that like saying builders can destroy a childrens hospital because they made it?

Ah- but the builders have a higher authority to whom they are responsible - Aslan has NO higher authority.
waterhogboy said:
Ah- but the builders have a higher authority to whom they are responsible - Aslan has NO higher authority.
Ok, maybe that wasn't a very good example.....

(This is from an atheist point of view)
A man impregnates a woman and she gives birth to boy. The man and woman made the baby, but they have no right to torture the boy and then eventually kill him do they? If God wanted to do that to someone there'd be no-one to stop him, but I don't think that's the type of thing a loving God would do.

I don't think I'm phrasing my argument very well...
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Jimmy Kickarse said:
Ok, maybe that wasn't a very good example.....

(This is from an atheist point of view)
A man impregnates a woman and she gives birth to boy. The man and woman made the baby, but they have no right to torture the boy and then eventually kill him do they? If God wanted to do that to someone there'd be no-one to stop him, but I don't think that's the type of thing a loving God would do.

Hmmmm.... - thats a good analogy as you said comin from an athiest point of view - and it works!!! I would argue that the man and woman DO have a higher authority and then no rigt to kill the child.

You say you dont think its something Aslan would do. We know n the books that Aslan is good, not tame - in fact theres no reason why he shouldnt eat you!??! But he is good. Doesnt that give you assurance that whatever Aslan (or the Emperor over the sea!!) does - it is gonig to be right and good - because thats what Aslan is!??!
waterhogboy said:
Hmmmm.... - thats a good analogy as you said comin from an athiest point of view - and it works!!! I would argue that the man and woman DO have a higher authority and then no rigt to kill the child.

You say you dont think its something Aslan would do. We know n the books that Aslan is good, not tame - in fact theres no reason why he shouldnt eat you!??! But he is good. Doesnt that give you assurance that whatever Aslan (or the Emperor over the sea!!) does - it is gonig to be right and good - because thats what Aslan is!??!
Would you say creating someone for the sole purpose of destroying a world and being condemed to Hell for all eternity good? No, me neither.
God didn't make us his pupets, he doesn't control every thing we do. But he does know that some of us will dissapoint him and that he will have to send us to hell. Aslan didn't make Shift do what he did, he simply new it would happen. :)