If you could change your name what would it be?

Would u change your name if u could?

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I wouldn't change my name (Elizabeth). Mainly because I share it with one of my "adopted" sisters (she is one of my best friends), and there are a lot of nick-names that go along. (I'm called Liz for short, but some do call me "Zizzy".)
Hmmm....I like my name. I got it from my great grandmother for one, and two it just fits me....I don't know, it just does. But some people see me as a Megan...(still don't know where that comes from)
My name is Hannah but some of my friends call me Anna and my best friend calls me Banana. But I have always liked Hope or Joy or Sumner!!
I would definitely change my name to Kiara...*sighs* I will have to pass it along to my future daughter :rolleyes:
yeah thats wot i'm gonna do my names charlotte but my friends call me charlie and i wud change my name 2 skarlet or madison so i'm gonna hav 2 wait til i have a kid and pray that its a grl lol
i wouldnt change my name, but IF i ever did..it would be to Celine, i love that name! and i will name one of my kids that one day..
there are a lot of names. I was going to be named Tabitha, I like it better than my real name some times