well I don't...
I never thought of her as having perfect skin OR blonde hair, and isn't she a brunette in the books?
though,by no means am I saying she is an acne covered mole-man...
I've always seen her as the tomboyish type with brownish hair and a slightly pale complection...pretty tall for her age and picked on because of it...but your right she'll be dressed very poshly..plaid-probably not but you get the picture....
And a miniture Anna popplewell you said? very much doubt it...she'll be a spritey girl, pointed features possibly....
And I do realize she won't look exactly like any of this,but your versons were quite weird themselves...I mean-blonde hair? sounds more like you were making your dreamgirl...
and remember no matter how sarcastic and sinicle I get; no bluggening me with potatos....