Konnichi wa!! Japanese speakers!

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New member
Well, here is this thread I wanted to create... Its for people who at least know how to speak a little japanese!!!

we're writting in romanji, since its imposible for most of us to write in Katakana, Hiragana or Kanji. Although you can upload pics with your writting (thats what i figured out XD)

If you write a sentence in japanese then, below, you must translate it to english. for mods to know what we're talking about.


Hajimaru!!! Minna-san!! :)

Start all!!
and have fun ;)
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I'm sure there's Japanese speakers here somewhere...I know a lot of my friends speak it, but I can only understand one or two common phrases.
I know how to say idiot...I like that word. :D haha, Baka. It's great.
Hai!! haha.. x_x when you call people that way...they never figure out you're actually calling them idiot. Anyway, thats when you don want them to know... XD
I don't know any Japanese, except for "Konnichi Wa". But I'm really impressed that you can speak some of it!!
oh, gosh. Well, here we go. ;) Please close your eyes.

Konnichiwa. Watakushi no na mae wa Mariko-chan (mataha[?] pinku-chita) des.
uh.... Wakari mas Nihongo no sucoshi.

I.E. Hi. I'm Mariko [means logic child or something] (or pink cheetah). I can speak a little Japanese.

I think I just blew that; the grammar in the last sentence is all wrong. For someone who is supposed to know some of this language, I sure suck at it. *hits self*
There is NO translating rule!!! We, as admin and mods, are requesting that all foreign language threads be stopped until Specter can recruit mods from other International Narnia forums to come in and mod them.

Admin and mods here do not have the language skills to monitor these types of threads for what is being said. If we cannot do that, then if something bad happens, we are responsible. If we can get these threads to be monitored by someone with the language skills, then they will resume. If we cannot, then speaking a foreign language on this forum will be permanently discontinued. We are requesting, for now, that all posting be done in english until we can get those other mods here. Thank you
haha lol :D ok, it will stop. I hope someone with the knowledge skills gets to be mod or admin or something here for these threads to continue...

Oh...well... lets speak about japanese things but in english XD lol :D
i know a few words
kawaii ^^
gomen =[
soka =]
nandayo [or somethinggggg lol. thts how you pronounce it =]] - nani
nandayo [or somethinggggg lol. thts how you pronounce it =]] - nani
Do you mean "nan desu ka?" or translated to English "What is it?"

There is NO translating rule!!! We, as admin and mods, are requesting that all foreign language threads be stopped until Specter can recruit mods from other International Narnia forums to come in and mod them.

Admin and mods here do not have the language skills to monitor these types of threads for what is being said. If we cannot do that, then if something bad happens, we are responsible. If we can get these threads to be monitored by someone with the language skills, then they will resume. If we cannot, then speaking a foreign language on this forum will be permanently discontinued. We are requesting, for now, that all posting be done in english until we can get those other mods here. Thank you
My bad, Carl. I've been gone too long!!! *runs off cliff*

*starts cursing in Japanese*
I have some advice for you guys; NEVER try to speak Japanese if you don't even know it. Everyone will just look ands laugh at you. Trust me. Memories. :(
Sorry friends, but until we have some international moderators for these foreign language threads, we will be closing them. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but all threads, including these, must be able to be monitored for content. Since we do not have any current mods able to do this, and until Specter is able to secure them, I am afraid speaking in a language other than english will be prohibited for now.:(
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