Left Behind: The Kids Dramatic Audio

jasmine tarkheena

Active member
I’ve listened to both the adult and kids series of Left Behind that was produced by Tyndale House and Gap Digital. It’s worth listening to even with some changes being made. I’ll be focusing on the kids version and discuss the adult version in another thread.

The dramatic audio can be found on YouTube. If anyone has listened to these before, I’ll be interested to hear some thoughts on it.

If you have listened to these, what were thoughts? Any changes from the books you’ve liked or weren’t happy with? How about overall production?
I haven't, but I can say a word in general for audio theater. Actually, two words:

1) The _cost_ of staging radio-type drama is only a _tiny_ fraction of the cost for any visual medium.

2) Listeners to an audio drama experience the necessity, or the privilege, of mentally filling in the scene.
Audio theatre is something. Radio was the sort of entertainment that people had back in the day before there was TV.

Here are some links-

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