Left Behind: The Kids TV Series

jasmine tarkheena

Active member
I haven't been on here for quite a while, with being busy and all. I've been listening to the dramatic audio presentation of The Left Behind Series (both adult and kids version). It got me wondering if the kids version could be made into a TV series.

Please note: this is not for theological discussion regarding to views of the End Times!

There might be some who have read the series! Then of course, some things would have to require some changes to make it work for a new medium, and I get that!

Any thoughts on a Left Behind: The Kids TV series? Do you think it could be done?
It probably would have worked better around thirty years ago. In an age of safe spaces and participation trophies, modern middle-class children are less accustomed to the thought of themselves being required to face real danger and suffering.
It probably would have worked better around thirty years ago. In an age of safe spaces and participation trophies, modern middle-class children are less accustomed to the thought of themselves being required to face real danger and suffering.
I haven't thought of that. Although the Left Behind Series (both Adult and Kids versions) could be set at any time, given that "No one knows the Day or the Hour. Only God knows."

In regards to a TV Series, if Dallas Jenkins, who's one of the directors of The Chosen, and Randy LaHaye have any involvement, it would certainly be a plus.
I wasn't referring to characters IN the show being unready; that would ADD TO the drama. I had in mind children in the AUDIENCE. Modern American children, if not bullied, in poverty or facing sickness issues, usually have no clue of what it's like to need fortitude and courage.
Gotcha ya!

For an episodic series, there's so much that could be done. I even wondered if Left Behind: The Kids could overlap with the adult series. They take place at the same time, though taken from different angles.

It could even been done chronologically, especially if it was done episodically. Here are some ideas that we could see-

Rayford Steele learning how to be a pilot.

Nicolae Carpathia's childhood and going into the Parliament of Romania.

Suhail Akbar and Nelson Stefanich at the Madrid Military Academy (I honestly don't know if that's in Spain, but that's besides the point).

Raymie Steele and Ryan Daley become best friends when they were in Kindergarten.

Lionel Washington and his family moving from Chicago to Mount Prospect.

Vicki Byrne's family getting converted at a concert in a trailer park.

Judd Thompson, JR going to church as a child then watch him starting falling away.

There are just random ideas that we could see done chronologically.
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