Life in a care home

Ok so this is kinda like that kids show "Tracey Beaker" if anyones seen it.

Anyway there a bunch of kids in a care home and they have to all try to live together and get fostered.

So it could be fun just post an aplication

Name:Bella Swan
Looks:She have red hair and blue eyes light skin and she is about 5'4''
Personality:Sweet, Some time shy
I'll play a couple characters!

Name: Dylan
Age: 16
Gender: male
Personality: Dylan is serious. He gets upset easily and has, in the past, been kicked out of foster homes because of his anger issues. He doesn't get violent, but can yell quite a bit.
Bio: Dylan 's parents weren't able to support themselves or him, so, at the age of 3, he was left at the care house. He's been to 4 different foster homes, each one saying they couldn't handle him.

Name: Danielle (Dani)
Age: 17
Gender: female
Looks: Characters/Bella_Swan_.jpg
Personality: Dani is hopelessly optimistic, always trying to look on the bright side. She is never seen without a smile on her face.
Bio:New to the Care Home, Dani's parents recently died in a car accident. Her extended family is unable to care for her due to family troubles and money issues.
Ok hears mine

Name: Cerrie Jones
Gender: Famale
Looks: Blond curlly hair, in wringlets a pretty face, looks older than she is.
Personality: Vain, obsessed with boys and not much else, likes to be poular, wont hang out with anyone who isnt popular.
Bio: Her mother got into drugs and her father was never there so she was put into care. She had a foster mother pretty quickly but then she died last year in a car crash so she likes to play up the sympethy vote sometimes, shes been put in "this dump" for the time beign until they can find her a more permenant placement, she cant wait to get out.
Never seen the show, but this sounds interesting...

Name: Olivia Madison
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: She has a horrible temper, but if you get to know her, you'll find a caring person. She can be kind if things go her way.
Bio: Olivia's mom left when her daughter was five. Mr. Madison and Olivia lived together happily until she was fifteen, when he was diagnosed with cancer. Olivia lived with relatives until her dad died a year later, which was when it was decided that she should live with foster parents.
Ok we can start now

Ill go first.

"Can you pass me the ketcup," shouted Cerrie. She was getting impatient she had asked 4 times now and no one had listened.
"Oh fine," she said finally and got up and get it herself slamming it back onto the table with such force that the whole table shuddered, everyone looked at her then she just gave them the look of death and pored the Ketcup onto her chips.
"Gosh, Cerrie," Olivia muttered. She poked at her own food grumpily, not used to the types of things they ate here. She glanced around the table, noticing the general gloomy mood of everyone around her. That's exactly how she felt right now - gloomy. If she could pick out a color for her mood, it would be grey. Not black - grey. She looked back down at her food.
"Are you really gonna eat that?" Dylan demanded, staring at her food. "Gross."

Dani shook her head. "It's not THAT bad," she said as she took a bite. She fought the grimace that wanted to spread across her face. "See? It tastes fine..."
Cerrie took a tiny bite of a chip, it was discusting. She couldn't eat that so she hid the chip in her napkin stood up and said, "I'm done," then she walked out of the dining room.

She quickly ran upstairs grabbed some spare cash and ran back downstairs, "I'm going out" she called as she opened the door and rushed off down to the local chippy to buy some decent food.
Bella rolled her eyes " Oh, boy I don't think I'm feeling good," she said, holding her moth she turn her head trying so hard not to look at her food " I'm going now if you need me you know were to find me," she told them, getting up then ran out of the dinning hall.
Cerrie managed to buy herself some chips(fries you call them??) and walked back slowly eating as she went.

This was the 3rd time this week that she'd been off down the chip shop because of the food here, it was discusting and she would never eat it, she couldnt wait to get shot of this place.

She came through the front door and chucked the paper from the chips in the bin as she swallowed the last one.

She walked back up to her room feeling sugnificantly better after some proper food and she threw herself down on her bed,

she reached under her bed into an old bag that she haddent used in years, she now used it to store her money that she had been given by foster mother when she had died.

She opened it and counted it, there was £20 still in there, there was alot more in her account but she prefured to use cash than card so she went and withdrew more every time she got low.

She wouldnt need to go anythime soon so she put it back and instead pulled out a magazine and started to flick through the pages.
"None of your buisness," she said, she hated having to share a room with anyone. The just messed up her stuff and made noise.

OCC: You can try to make friends but im not sure how she'll take it.
"and you dont have to be so nosy," she said getting up with her magazine and deciding to go read it somewere else she only liked being in their bedroom if she was alone.

She walked out and went into the garden, the day was nice and she found a spot of sunlight, she decided to add to her tan so she rolled up her 3 quaters and took of her jumper and lay down on her front to read her magazine.