Life in Wonderland

Gentle Voice

Active member
My mother passed away in 1999, murdered by a crazy psychotic who thought it was funny to kill her. I was eight when this happened. I wanted so much to do something to that man; but I couldn't do zip, could I? My Dad and I had to take care of each other from then on. Man, it was hard because how could a little eight-year-old girl take care of her own father? He used to tell me every day that I looked just like my mother. I think I don't, because I'm more a Daddy's little girl then I was with my Mom. Oh snap, I'm getting ahead of myself, I'm sorry. Well, this is my story about everything that happened.

Eleven years went by. Now I was eighteen, just weeks away from turning nineteen, and my Dad was gone, so whom else did I need to take care of? I was walking to the market to get some food for the house, so I wouldn't be so hungry. When I got everything I needed, I started to walk back to my little house in the woods. It was an okay place, I guess, but I was all alone there and I didn't have anyone to talk to but my pet wolf Iggy. Oh, didn't I tell you Iggy can also can talk? I didn't? Well, now I have. So, back to my story.

While I was walking to my house, I heard a little girl crying out for help. When there is someone who needs help, I like to have some fun while helping them. As I walked closer and closer to where the little girl was, I let her hear me saying, "Tick tock, tick tock, here I come to blow you up."

When I did get free from him, I didn't say a word to him, just gave him a cold look, then hurried away from him with my arms crossed. James sighed and went back what to he had been doing; but before I was out of his sight he called to me: "If you see my little friend the mouse, please send her to me!" I just walked off and went to my place, where Krystle was still lying on my couch fast asleep, like she always does "Oh my word, would you like me to help you out of bed?!" I asked her with a angry tone now, pulling her off the couch with a growl. "Why me?" I was thinking. She woke up with a loud yawn. "Huh?" she asked, with a sleepy voice, then looked at me for awhile before she got up and walked off.

The day was almost ending and it was now getting dark. This is the time I usually go for a walk, when it's nice and cool outside. I put on my long blue button-up jacket and walked out of the house -- this time, with someone following me. "Now you do something," I said under my breath, then placed my hands in my pockets and walked to the Tree House where my friend Roselan lived. She is my other closest friend in this messed up world. When I got there, Rose was already outside, playing with her cards. I came up to her with a small smile on my face and sat next to her, wondering what was on her mind.

She looked up right at me with a smile on her face. "Why, hello, my friend! Would you like to play with me?" she asked, now shuffling her cards. I came and sat right next to her. "Not just now, Rose; I need to use the Library to find out a little bit more about my mother and how she died," I told her with a frown, and some tears rolling down my cheeks. She got up and disappeared, then came back carrying a box filled with papers. "I already got them; here you go, my dear," she told me, now handing me the box. "Everything from the year she died?" I asked, taking the box from her. She just nodded and walked back into her house.

Hours later I was walking again, with the mouse following me "Hungry?" I asked, now looking right at her. She didn't say a word at first; then she told me she thought something was following us. I sighed and closed my eyes. "Come out, come out, wherever you are," I said, still with my eyes closed. "I know you're there; I can hear you breathing," When I opened my eyes, there was a tall, skinny man with a funny-looking hat on his head. "Aw, come on!" he said, with a frown on his face, then turned around like he was walking away. "Oh, it's just you," I said, now placing my hand on his shoulder. "You know I don't like playing games with people I really care about," I told him, turning him around. He just smiled at me with his dark blue eyes, then kissed my hand with a laugh. "But it's fun and you know it," he told me, now frowning over my shoulder at Krystle.

Then I saw that a couple of creeps had grabbed this girl. When they caught sight of me, one guy -- who was holding on to the little girl's neck -- just laughed. The other guy was carrying a knife; he came toward me with a smirk on his face. "Aw, look, Jim: someone else came to play with us!" this one said, as he came up right beside me.

I didn't move -- at least, not that THEY could see; but they could hear me giving an evil laugh. The knife-wielder next to me felt something on his neck and freaked out, backing away with a cry of "What the--?" At the same time, the jerk holding the girl suddenly found that she was no longer in his grasp. As the two thugs were wondering what had happened, I walked off with the child, calling back to them, "Have fun!" I let them see how I touched something on my sleeve; then there was a loud boom, and those criminals never saw anything ELSE again in this world.

While we where walking to my place, the girl asked me what my name was; I told her it was Tick Tock. She was like, "Super cool!" I just rolled my eyes, and we kept going until she was within sight of home. Telling her to stay safe, I walked away "Kids," I sighed to myself. When I got home there was someone waiting for me and it wasn't my wolf; it was Krystle, someone I hadn't seen in years. I walked right past her, but she grabbed my arm. "So, I saw you on the news. Why didn't you tell me to come play with you?" she asked, now letting go of my arm. I didn't say a word at first then stopped in my tracks. "I thought you were dead," I told her, with a growl.

Stepping into the kitchen, Krystle grabbed an apple and slowly took a bite of it, letting juice drip down onto the floor. "Hmm," she said, now placing the apple down. "I forgot human food was so tasty." Then she sat down on the couch. I just rolled my eyes, then sat down next to her and rested my hands in my lap. "Yeah, I got the apples from our old friend Alice," I told her, not even looking at her. She sighed. "Look, I couldn't tell anyone I was still alive. I'm sorry, all right!?" she finished in an angry tone. I got up and stormed away off into my room; I wasn't needing this any more. I didn't come out all night.

Coming out of my room in the morning, I saw she was still there on the couch, fast asleep. "Hey, get up!" I called out, now walking into the kitchen to make something to eat. "I don't need your laziness in my house," I told her. Once I had some breakfast ready, I went outdoors to eat it. I could smell something fresh on the air from far away. I slowly rose from where I sat, and followed the scent until I saw someone sitting with two other people at a table, having tea. "Oh no, it's you," I said to the one who looked familiar, then turned around to go back to my house. The tall man with a weird-looking hat came to my side. "Oh, my lady, why do you always run away?" he asked, now taking my hand with the kindest smile on his face.

I looked at him with a sigh. "It's because I am not a big fan of yours, and you know that, James," I told him, now trying to move away from him, but his hand was still holding onto mine.
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Now you need to let the readers know more about the character who is telling the story -- like how she GOT the powers she used against those criminals.