Little Help?

Lord of Light

New member
I want to make something into a animated image, but I don't know how to, so could someone else do it for me please? Here's the images:


I would like them put in the order that I posted them in, so anyone think you can do it?( I am completely clueless in the animated image area:o)
I can't animate right now (too busy to upload),but I can tell you how to do it.:)
Go here.This site will let you do it for free.:) First one you upload is the first frame,and so on.

Or in gimp:
Opene each image as a new layer (the bottom one must be the first scene of your animation).
Save as a .gif
Follow the instructions,and set the speed to 2000 for flipping banners,100-500 for banners that are a mini-movie.
Thats it!:)
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If you have any gimp questions I'm happy to help anytime,just leave me a visitor message.;)