lotr parodies

hey kimberly, welcome to narniafans
those are some good ones, the other day my mate showed me a site and it has diary entries by all fellowship members in the fellowship of the ring, very funny ill post the link when i find it. :)
sorry to rain on your parade; however, as funny as the Very Secret Diaries are, they are generally frowned upon, considering content. At least they were, last time they were brought up. Perhaps things have changed since I was here regularly, but VSD, while funny isn't entirely "family-friendly" by most standards.

My two cents

i can see why some people would find it offensive and i meant no offence in posting the link. but i am a teenage boy so i guess i find toilet humor funny. it makes me giggle, i love boromirs
Day Thirty-five
Killed by orcs.

Stupid orcs.
Indeed it is, but not something I want to steep myself in too much. It has a very - ah - coarse outlook. Kind of cheapens the effect of the true work. Undeniably hilarious, though.

("We are the chorus, and we agree, we agree, we agree!")
Lord of the Bling was HILLARIOUS

With Lil' Kim as FroHo
and Sisko as Sam Gaygee
with Bill Cosby as Gandalf
and Shaquille O'Neal as Sarumon
An older print spoof, "Bored of the Rings," also parodied Legolas as a leg of lamb.

Note that, originating with National Lampoon, "Bored of the Rings" was, cough cough, less family-friendly than VeggieTales.
I'm really, really, really resisting the urge to make an obligatory joke about Amazon Prime's Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power....
It may not be possible to make a joke ABOUT "Rings of Power," because IT IS a very bad joke.

Woke types would pretend to believe that I "hate strong women." My answer is that I hate female characters who make it THEIR ENTIRE BUSINESS to humiliate men just because they can.