LWW stunk

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New member
All the other films to come out better be better than LWW because IT WAS NOTHING COMPARED TO LOTR!

LOTR owns Narnia
I guess everyone's entitled to their opinion. I agree that the Lord of the Rings books are both better and deeper literature than the Chronicles are - though I love them both. But if you're going to contend that the Lord of the Rings movies (a.k.a. "the Jackson Travesties") are better representations of the stories than the Lion movie, then that tells me all I need to know of your tastes.
i like mideival middle-earth type but i thought LWW would be great and then they got the director of SHREK! WHY DID THEY DO THAT!!!! they are so stupid....
I thought LWW was a very good movie...in fact better than LOTR. I am a huge LOTR fan but i like Narnia by a tad bit more...I cant wait for PC to come out
If you say one more time LWW was a horrible movie im gonna......and they are making alot of changes to PC like Su and Caspian having a love realatioship and Putting PC and Dawn Treader Together and Renaming the Dawn Treader calling it the Black Rock
Ok maybe one reason that ppl think that LWW wan't as good as LOTR is becouse it is a kids movie. I mean it is rated PG for gosh sakes! I am not saying anying bad about LWW becouse I loved it but that may be why some think it not as good.
I don't know how to reply to this 'LWW stunk' thing without flaming, so I suppose I'll leave it at this: YOU NEED HELP!!!!!!
Sorry, I can't contain myself when it comes to dissers of Narnia! I better leave before my instincts get the better of me.
LWW is one of my fave movies! How can you think that?
This is the 2nd time I've used this image macro today, but I think you're worthy of it:
No, I think you are messed up in the head, dwarf

But anyways...just to stick to the topic..ppl who liked LWW what was ur fav. part in the movie?
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