Michael Jackson


New member
Just curious...are there any Michael Jackson fans in here? it's always nice to meet others (since most people around me only make fun of him)..

but please...this is only to find Michael Jackson fans...please no mean comments, teasing, bashing or critisizing okay? thanks ^_^

even if you're only a fan of his music and not him...i just wanna know :D
I grew up LOVING Michael Jackson, at least. Because there is no other super star as Michael Jackson was in the 80s.

It´s quite funny who the world forgot now what he was, the music god he was.

But I don´t forget. I am happy I lived the 80s :D:D:rolleyes:
I saw a real , ultra, musical super star.
hehe yes. i'm actually a new fan of his...almost two years lol. i used to HATE him. i thought he was AWFUL!! but i started liking his music so i researched him HARDCORE for WEEKS! i read everything i could get my hands on..books, internet, articles, everything...things AGAINST him..things in his DEFENSE. i watched/read his own interviews..saw videos of him with kids, read about his charity towards them..and it took a little while..but now i'm totally convinced that the guy is 100% innocent..

he is a musical GENIOUS though..and he's working on his ever so desired come back too! WOOT!!

(oh..and to set the record straight for those who love to argue the point...michael didn't BLEACH his skin..he's got vitiligo..research it if you'd like..and if you'd really like, i could pull up pictures that you can see it on michael, through his makeup...... as for his nose jobs... i can't defend that..lol)
It´s never too late. It´s great Michael Jackson gets new fan, he deserve it, he´s a genius, his music is great, his videos are awesome.
You will have a lot of fun!!! Enjoy it.

Try to watch his live perfomances: amazing.

BTW: LOVE your banner with Walt Disney pic... Love Disney (Obviously) LOL :eek::eek::eek::eek:
oh. hehe. i've already seen many live performances. lol...(i've kinda become a michael jackson FREAK so though it's only been a couple years...i know/seen/heard ALL i could about michael lol..in fact i have his dangerous tour on DVD :p.

and thank you. my friend from a michael jackson forum i go to made me that banner lol. Disney is completely amazing :p....yet another guy i've become totally obsessed with lol (it's funny how many people don't pay attention to the MAN who started the DISNEY COMPANY! lol)
Oh yeas you are sooo right. Let´s never forget about WALTER Elias Disney, what would the childhood be without him?

I am expecting they to do , finally, a biopic at least about Walt Disney life!!! And Sooon. Please a Disney biopic!! :D
Its so amazing, especially the construction of Disneyland and Magic Kingdom.

He is worthy for a movie!!!!!!!!!!!.
Nothing beats his "Thriller" video. And although the plot of his "Moonwalker" movie was a bit lacking, it was still fun to watch it. "Smooth Criminal" was my favorite part of that movie.

I actually saw him at Disney World when i was growing up. He was there to be a part of a ride (I think a 3-D kind of thing) called Captan E-O. My aunt, uncle, and I were walking through the different Worlds behind Epcot Center and my aunt accidentally stepped on the back of one of his entourage's feet. Nothing came of that. They just kept walking.

my friends and I requested "thriller" at our 8th grade dance and did the whole dance scene thing to it. Which was very fun since it was only us 3.
MJ is really cool! I wasn't alive in the 80's :)() but I still lOVE it.
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Oh man, kids nowadays wouldn't know this but, Michael Jackson used to be wicked awesome back in the day!

Beat it, Billy Jean, Bad, Thriller?...Love them all!
hehe. hey, that was all before my time..before i was even born..but man...i know the effect those songs had on the music industry...

Oh yeas you are sooo right. Let´s never forget about WALTER Elias Disney, what would the childhood be without him?

I am expecting they to do , finally, a biopic at least about Walt Disney life!!! And Sooon. Please a Disney biopic!! :D
Its so amazing, especially the construction of Disneyland and Magic Kingdom.

He is worthy for a movie!!!!!!!!!!!.

yes yes!! i'm actually working on writing letters to people that are still alive that have worked with him, including some other relatives....i want to be in the film business anyway..so i'm writing to try and get a movie done on him while his close friends and family are still alive to supervise..because he's a man people need to remember!!!!!

Nothing beats his "Thriller" video. And although the plot of his "Moonwalker" movie was a bit lacking, it was still fun to watch it. "Smooth Criminal" was my favorite part of that movie.

I actually saw him at Disney World when i was growing up. He was there to be a part of a ride (I think a 3-D kind of thing) called Captan E-O. My aunt, uncle, and I were walking through the different Worlds behind Epcot Center and my aunt accidentally stepped on the back of one of his entourage's feet. Nothing came of that. They just kept walking.


yeahh..i loved the end of Moonwalker when he did come together!! lol

and yes, Captain EO is actually my hero. lol... it's actually my Screen name for a few things... i have it on DVD ..but man .. i wish SO BAD that i was around when it was actually in the Epcot center..i mean... imagine... Michael Jackson and Disney..come together.... i don't think any drug could make anyone happier than i would have been at that moment! lol

it's really cool to know that there are some people here who can appreciate at LEAST his talent. :D sometimes us michael jackson fans feel so....few and far between :( lol
I always wonder what happeed to him MJ used to be THE COOLEST I still remember Jam with Heavy D and Michael Jordan in the video. I mean, the two big MJs side by side.
Just curious...are there any Michael Jackson fans in here? it's always nice to meet others (since most people around me only make fun of him)..

but please...this is only to find Michael Jackson fans...please no mean comments, teasing, bashing or critisizing okay? thanks ^_^

even if you're only a fan of his music and not him...i just wanna know :D

Weeelllll I'm kinda iffy on that topic...I like Thriller and some of his old stuff from forever ago and I don't mind Jackson 5 or whatever it was called...But all the junk he's done ever since he turned white and lost his nose...I think that kinda killed Michael Jackson for everyone. Long story short, I am not exactly a fan of MJ but his old music okay.
I hope you took no offense to anything I said. :D
meh.. no offence really..except in another post i did explain the white skin...okay..so he went a little far with his nose...but he's very insicure...and just because his surgery went a little wrong makes him more prone to get picked on then joan rivers or however you spell her name...how come ashley simpson isn't picked on anymore..she went to extreme...it's just because his nose doesn't look that good anymore...so exsessive amounts of plastic surgery are okay..as long as it looks good? oh well

and like i said..i already mentioned his skin...he has vitiligo...i can send pictures to prove it...everybody tells me that 'vitiligo' is just his excuss...but no..i have proof for it...and so does the court from his trials. so that's another story...

you didn't really offend me..i just wish people wouldn't be so put off on him because of the way he looks..besides..even if he did bleach his skin...how is that any different than all these preppy girls who find it neccessary to tan 5 times a week to make themselves look orange? there isn't a difference..eitherway it's not natural, God given skin color...however..michael didn't bleach his skin

I always wonder what happeed to him MJ used to be THE COOLEST I still remember Jam with Heavy D and Michael Jordan in the video. I mean, the two big MJs side by side.

hehe..yeahh..i have that video (along with all his other videos lol) on dvd..that's like, mine and my moms favorite. IT'S SO FUNNY TOO WHEN THEY TRY TO TEACH EACH OTHER HOW TO DANCE AND PLAY B-BALL!!
meh.. no offence really..except in another post i did explain the white skin...okay..so he went a little far with his nose...but he's very insicure...and just because his surgery went a little wrong makes him more prone to get picked on then joan rivers or however you spell her name...how come ashley simpson isn't picked on anymore..she went to extreme...it's just because his nose doesn't look that good anymore...so exsessive amounts of plastic surgery are okay..as long as it looks good? oh well

and like i said..i already mentioned his skin...he has vitiligo...i can send pictures to prove it...everybody tells me that 'vitiligo' is just his excuss...but no..i have proof for it...and so does the court from his trials. so that's another story...

you didn't really offend me..i just wish people wouldn't be so put off on him because of the way he looks..besides..even if he did bleach his skin...how is that any different than all these preppy girls who find it neccessary to tan 5 times a week to make themselves look orange? there isn't a difference..eitherway it's not natural, God given skin color...however..michael didn't bleach his skin

The bad choices I was talking about were pointing towards things involving children. Not his nose and skin.
Weeelllll I'm kinda iffy on that topic...I like Thriller and some of his old stuff from forever ago and I don't mind Jackson 5 or whatever it was called...But all the junk he's done ever since he turned white and lost his nose...I think that kinda killed Michael Jackson for everyone. Long story short, I am not exactly a fan of MJ but his old music okay.
I hope you took no offense to anything I said. :D

oh...but you did mention his nose and skin....

but no biggie :D... i was in a mood that day anyways so sorry..got a bit defensive. hehe.
I grew up with his music. I even remember when he sang Ben. His voice was very young and clear and we always thought it was a girl :p Later the hit Can you feel it introduced us more into his music. In the early 80's my brother was a fan of him. I loved Billy Jean and Beat it and of course Thriller. The girls at school were afraid of this clip but can you imagine it was nothing compared to these days????? I always thought Thriller was kinda cool. And people these days would only laugh at it instead of screaming. I don't listen to MJ anymore. Not because of his personality but because my music taste has changed. I still love it as part of my youth but that's it.
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! my sister, who was 15 at the time (two years ago) saw thriller..and the part where they switch to ZOMBIE michael..she screamed and jumped out of her chair!!!!! HAHAHAHA!! it was stinkin priceless!!

I grew up with his music. I even remember when he sang Ben. His voice was very young and clear and we always thought it was a girl :p Later the hit Can you feel it introduced us more into his music. In the early 80's my brother was a fan of him. I loved Billy Jean and Beat it and of course Thriller. The girls at school were afraid of this clip but can you imagine it was nothing compared to these days????? I always thought Thriller was kinda cool. And people these days would only laugh at it instead of screaming. I don't listen to MJ anymore. Not because of his personality but because my music taste has changed. I still love it as part of my youth but that's it.

hehe..it's funny..because "Can you feel it" is nothing compared to how he sounds now...Can you feel it still makes him sound like a girl..IN COMPARISON!! lol...but i guess most people don't even know his latest CDs huh? .. so sad..and his music later on was so great too (i mean..if you guys EVER get the chance you have to AT LEAST go on youtube and look up SCREAM...it's a duet song/video with Michael and Janet Jackson...it's swweeetttt)