Modern Vampires : RPG

This is an RPG about teenage Vampires. It takes place in Scotland. There is a group of Teenage Vampires that dont know eachother. They go to school, do all the normal stuff teens would do, but they are hiding their true identity of Vampirism. They have 1 supernatural power along with being Vampires that you all can decide. When they are in their vampire state their eyes turn red. Oh plus there is an evil Vampire Hunter that wants to kill us all off.

Character Description:

Age: (Between 14 and 17)
Good/Bad Vampire:
Vampire additional Power:


Name: Jarod Cromwell

Age: 15

Good/Bad: Good

Bio: Jarod lives with his parents who are also Vampires adjusted to Modern day living. He is very popular at school etc etc. He does not drink Human blood unless he has to, mostly cows blood or Goats, the occasional rat or mouse.

Additonal Power: Can fly without becoming a bat.

Name:Elisha (can just be called Lesha)
Age: 14
Good/Bad Vampire:Bad (OH it will be fun for a change)
Bio: You'll find out
Vampire additional Power: Can make it so that shes unnotisable by anyone even vampires
Look/Pic: Dont know if this is a vampire or not but i found it and likes it so hear


Name: Athena Dallon
Age: 16
Good/Bad Vampire: Good
Bio: Athena lives with two other vampires who are not related to her. They pretend to be her parents, but actually act more as older siblings to her. The little family tries their best to drink only animal blood, but occasionally they slip up.
Vampire additional Power: Athena can control people's dreams, including her own.
It was midnight, and everyone was asleep but Luna and the others Luna was walking around she didn't really feel like fly at that time. She came to an old park and took a seat looking up at the fall moon.