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I love the pics of King Peter and King Caspian! I'm glad they shot the film when they're older...

But... that Susan/Caspian love thing is just a rumor.... right?! :eek:
WOW! *sighs blissfully* It's actually very nice to see our guys grown up. And like I said, I can actually see how people fall for Skandar now.

The movie looks very promising :)
Nope!!! It's true!! They even kiss!!! :eek: *pukes* sorry. :rolleyes:
the susan caspian thing is discussed in the thread 'Wondering' so yeah be sure to go there for more susan caspian discussion...yes i saw the pics they're really awsome!! Glennstorm is looking really cool! and I saw who is going to play his wife! I think it's great how they're making them look...keep it up!!