Mr. Tumnus - Evil?!


New member
Mr Tumnus the faun, in many cases evil or not?! His lallaby was a trap?! Interesting... By the way, poor him...
Well, of course the lullaby was a trap. But he isn't evil. I mean, come on.
Mr. Tumnus was enslaved by Jadis--she wanted Lucy, or any Son/Daughter of Eve for that matter.
Mr. Tumnus isn't evil.
Tumnus is not evil!!!! He had to do that or the witch would have harmed him, but then he realized what he was doing was wrong and he then helped Lucy escape.
Monika said:
Mr Tumnus the faun, in many cases evil or not?! His lallaby was a trap?! Interesting... By the way, poor him...

If he was evil he WOULD have turned over Lucy to the White Witch, but he didn't.
If Tumnua was evil then why did he decide against handing Lucy over to the Witch, or all those other things, if he was evil then Lucy would have been in the Witch's grasp. So i dont know why he would be evil, when he shows his loyalty.
Mr Tumnus is not neccessarily evil, but things he's done have been wrong. He's a rounded character, and he makes mistakes.

The end.
Lots of people siding with Mr Tumnus and giving him the benefit of the doubt here but in my opinion theres just something evil about him. Im not sure if its the book or the new film that makes him come across as evil... but I think he is.
Ah.. I forgot what I was going to say this morning.
Something like-

Some Related Spoilers
Say the Witch is the ruler of Narnia-
Wouldn't it be just as "evil" to not turn Lucy in?

As cruel as his punishment, he already knew what would happnen if he didn't.
So, in the beginning he already knew he must turn Lucy,
or if he was really good, he would just send her back in the first place.

What I mean is-
If Tumnus was really "good", he would never have brought Lucy to his house.

Plus! He brought her again.
Pushing the limits and risking.
I think he bought Lucy to his house at first thinking, he would have to turn her in, but clearly, he changed his mind. I think his change of mind should indicate that his character was not evil.
IceMaiden said:
I think he bought Lucy to his house at first thinking, he would have to turn her in, but clearly, he changed his mind. I think his change of mind should indicate that his character was not evil.

That is ignoring the fact that he brought her there in the first place.

Evil I tell you! Evil!
Jk.. Tumnus, is alright in the end :cool:
No, Tumnus isn't evil, but he is scared for his life. But he finally changes his mind because at the sight of Aslan he is reminded that the White Witch has no power and that he will regret it if he doesn't let Lucy go back home. He also realizes that he really doesn't have the heart to kidnap her. That's what I think.