My Jewelry


New member
Well I thought that my beading could have its own spot separate from my picture thread so here it is! It is also interactive(I think thats the word I'm looking for).

The concept is that I'll post a picture of pendant, bead, or a color of bead and people make suggestions on what I should do with it. I have just about every color of seed bead (Shown here if you don't know what they look like that you could possibly think of. Then, I'll make it! You must be patient with me though for school is starting soon and I have a job as well. Pictures of colors, shapes, or anything(buildings, flowers, whatever) that you think may be beneficial to me in making the jewelry would be very helpful. I would also need to know if you want it to be a necklace, bracelet, or something else(sorry no earrings). Also if you have an idea for something that you would like me to make that is not related to the picture I've posted PLEASE TELL ME! I am very open to suggestions.

Here is the pendant.

Also I don't use wire so I can't make anything like this
I sooo sorry that I haven't posted in forever! I have been busy with school and work. I made these awhile ago but, didn't have the time to post them.




The last one is a necklace. It was sort of an experiment. I can't stand the colors together. I think they just look awful!
Cool stuff! I'm addicted to jewellery. I just finished making some polymer clay charms for some Twilight necklaces I plan on selling on eBay. My mom uses alot of scrabble tile earrings, putting preRaphaelite art on 'em. May I ask where you get your supplies? Your stuff is pretty stunning and amazing... did you make the first pendant shown?
I get my supplies mainly from some bead and craft stores that are about an hour north of where I live. Fat Cat Beads and Turtle Island Beads are my favorites. I also get some stuff from the two craft store chains and I used to go to the privately owned bead store here in town, but they raised their prices a lot. I didn't make the first pendant shown. I lack the talent required to make that. I did try to make some clay beads that were supposed to look like chocolates, but most of them don't look like chocolate. I'd love to see the things you've made!
Ohhhh, that's cool! I have to admit I'm a bit jealous because all we have is Michaels and Hobby Lobby :rolleyes: Oh wow... my mother got some books on making polymer clay chocolates... it does look really hard. Well, the only things I've made so far are Twilight related, although I'm currently trying to make a pair of scrabble tile earrings out of a Waterhouse painting.... but here's a couple of things I've made =]

That's the poster for the movie on a piece of chipboard with a couple of Swarovski crystals and a polymer clay apple (which can be made by like, the dozens :rolleyes:)

These are probably my favorite that I've made, though... photo frame earrings with Swarovski crystals, an Amazonite bead... yeah. My mom's stuff is pretty cool, though.

These are a couple of hers...

She does origami stuff. It's cool =]
Sorry it took me so long to reply. I've been busy. Yours are really good. My favorite is the first one. I haven't had time to take any pictures of my jewelry recently. I MIGHT have some time to take pictures tomorrow.
Thank you everyone!
I love this one! It is so pretty! You are really good :D
I actually sold that one and that night I was so upset that I had because I absolutely loved that necklace. But I still had a ton of those purpleish beads left and I knew where I got the locket from so I decided I would buy another locket and make another necklace. I went to the store a few days later and not only are they out of the locket, but they won't be carrying that brand again. GUH!
I might have some more jewelry pictures to post this weekend. And a beaded butterfly that is AWESOME!