My story


New member
This is the prologue for a story I was going to write. I'm not sure whether I should write more or not. Tell me what you think!
She shuddered, looking at the road in front of her. The question echoed in her mind, 'Is this the right way?' She knew had thought it so much that anyone would have gone insane, had she been saying so aloud. She looked again at the rocky paths, the smooth division in the middle. This was the most important decision of her life, she did not want to get it wrong.
After what seemed like hours she summoned up the courage to step forwards. Imeadiately a voice sounded through the wasteland.
"No." She looked up, curious.
"Who are you?" She called back. No-one answered. Slowly she took another step forwards.
"No." The voice repeated more sternly. "You must not go on." Frustrated, she almost screamed. "If you won't show yourself then I don't care. I can make my own decisions!" Now she took several steps forwards.
"Do not make the mistake in think you don't matter Dlich, you mean so much to so many worlds."